Albums currently kicking your ass

Evisceration Plague is also a great 'Grinder album. And hell, I think Wretched Spawn is good if only for Festering in the Crypt.
The Wretched Spawn is the album that I first listened to when I started to get into the Corpse. It has some good tracks, good call on Festering in the Crypt! Frantic Disembowelment and Rotted Body Landslide are also good songs. I think Vile is the weakest album with Corpsegrinder.
The Wretched Spawn is the album that I first listened to when I started to get into the Corpse. It has some good tracks, good call on Festering in the Crypt! Frantic Disembowelment and Rotted Body Landslide are also good songs. I think Vile is the weakest album with Corpsegrinder.

HELL yes on frantic. Any time ANYONE claims death metal is easy to play I show them this:

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Playing this in a 1 million kr speaker room is fucking INSANE! Getting fucked by sound!
Been a while since I took this for a spin. I really do love preeeeeetty much all of Burzum's non-prison material.

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