Albums currently kicking your ass


Excellent choice!
^ SO MUCH THIS. was starting a death/doom band and really just completely changed my mind when I saw them at St. Vitus in Brooklyn.


The tone is crushing and the double vocals get me amped every time. The album flies by though once you get entranced

I saw that they played a show, didn't go but decided to check them out and they are sick. With the change of mind and all, i take it that they put on a great show too. Next time! Btw, Conan is awesome nice pick!


Skogen - Vittra<3
Skitsystem - Enkel Resa Till Rännstenen

Hellbastard/Dresden - split

Warcollapse - Defy!

Extreme Noise Terror/Filthkick - A Holocause in Your Head/In it for Life
How sweet is that new Tribulation album? Not what I expected from those guys and certainly a step away from straight up Repugnant-sounding swedish death worship. At times I feel it strays too much into generic thrash territory but overall it is a complex and serious affair. The interludes give it a real sense of atmosphere and the band has certainly outdone themselves.

Also I will never stop listening to Syphilitic Vaginas. For those who have never heard them they are the ultimate metalpunk band. Taking the freneticism of hardcore and d-beat and combining it with the blaring speed and high-gloss flair of old-school heavy metal.