Albums currently kicking your ass

How sweet is that new Tribulation album? Not what I expected from those guys and certainly a step away from straight up Repugnant-sounding swedish death worship. At times I feel it strays too much into generic thrash territory but overall it is a complex and serious affair. The interludes give it a real sense of atmosphere and the band has certainly outdone themselves.

I agree with this. For those who haven't heard the album, it's streaming over here:
Last one for today (I've legit listened to at least 7 new albums to my ears, but I won't keep listing them). So far this is my favorite of the new crop, with Dishammer in close, and honestly I'd call this one of my favorite albums in quite some time.

Appalachian Terror Unit - It's Far from Fucking Over
Haha shaddap Effigy. At this point if I can find 2-3 NEW albums worth checking out it's a victory. Now that Kafka got me all amped up on crust (with an assist from Reddit) I'm on a splurge. Since posting I banged through two more.

.... :lol: i'm loving the band name and album cover right there.

Seriously that combo got my dick hard. I knew I'd love it even before it started.
From what I've heard of it and from what I remember, the Terror Squad album Mort posted is actually really strong hardcore-y thrash, a lot better than most in the style.

Last one for today (I've legit listened to at least 7 new albums to my ears, but I won't keep listing them). So far this is my favorite of the new crop, with Dishammer in close, and honestly I'd call this one of my favorite albums in quite some time.

Appalachian Terror Unit - It's Far from Fucking Over

Killer name/album name/art