Albums currently kicking your ass

Dude, Blank and Jones are the shit. I spent a whole weekend listening to their Relax mixes once. Have you hear Bent? Pretty similar stuff.

@Nephilim, Biophilia's original mix is probably Bjork's most ambient record since Vespertine. I strongly recommend spinning it from start to finish when you get a chance.

Haha, is it really that good? I'll have to check it out. If it didn't say Kirby up there I'd think that was pokemon

It's got a great foundation in funky/groovy rhythms (every song has a strong bassline and the drum programming is well above the SNES/Genesis-era average), but there's still a nice range from fluffy nostalgia-inducing prettiness to intense/busy music on par with Castlevania's best. Might be too soft for more Megaman-leaning people (I won't deny that MM X is way up there too) but it's definitely a favorite of mine.