Albums currently kicking your ass


Not sure what I expected going into this but a technical death metal/progressive sludge metal hybrid sure as hell wasn't it. I've never really been sold on gorguts in the past but that's over. I fucking love this album. Technical death with no wank... And I hear shades of mastodon's leviathan and even gaza. Fucking cool album.
Boards Of Canada, Sigur Ros, Ulver, My Bloody Valentine, Imprecation, etc. all released albums that are surely better.
You are easily the most predictable poster on ultimate metal. That imprecation album isn't all that special and the others aren't metal and of course aren't going to be talked about or cared about here.

I really like the album but I will need to listen to it more before I decide if its on the same level with Satan or Dream Death for top metal albums of the year.
hells headbangers just reissued this so...

also just now checking out the new gorguts album, and holy shit...
glad i saw this post
Boards Of Canada, Sigur Ros, Ulver, My Bloody Valentine, Imprecation, etc. all released albums that are surely better.

I've not heard any of those but MBV, and as good as it is I can't really honestly call it better than the new Gorguts.

Loveless it is not.

Not sure what I expected going into this but a technical death metal/progressive sludge metal hybrid sure as hell wasn't it. I've never really been sold on gorguts in the past but that's over. I fucking love this album. Technical death with no wank... And I hear shades of mastodon's leviathan and even gaza. Fucking cool album.

I am excite. I'm gonna give this a first spin today.

EDIT: Fuckin delicious is what it is. The material has a mean, snarling quality to it that I would normally use to describe noise rock or avant garde jazz groups.