Albums currently kicking your ass

Really need to listen to that. It's still sitting on my computer stand. If it's as good as the new skeletonwitch, I'd be happy. If it's as good as hell on earth or an overdose of death, I'll be ecstatic.
Really need to listen to that. It's still sitting on my computer stand. If it's as good as the new skeletonwitch, I'd be happy. If it's as good as hell on earth or an overdose of death, I'll be ecstatic.

According to me it crushes the new Skeletonwitch and I really liked their new too. TH were really great in this one with awesome riffs and great vocals.
Just hit skip on the tracks "One Dimension" and "Iron City", and it's a good album in my opinion. Above average thrash with creative new elements, B+.

There are a lot of people disliking it though. I think Warbringer are just a love em or hate em type band. I've seen them live 3 times and it's always like the front couple rows going nuts, a moshpit, and then a bunch of people standing in back going wtf is this band bring on the main act. Some people just don't like modern thrash or his vocal style. I love it. I'm usually in the 2nd row zone.

First time listening to this album, and right now it sounds surprisingly strong. I thought all their 90's stuff was more in a less serious/more punky style, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. The opposite, in fact, well-produced, darker, and the rare hint of their tech-y New Machine of Lichtenstein style.

EDIT: Seriously, this is like their South of Heaven and Tapping the Vein rolled into one or something. Why does no one talk about this album?

Fuck all the haters giving them shit for going to Season of Mist. Season of Mist actually has a ton of good bands these days. Fucking awesome album, props to them if they can make a little more dough doing what they love.
That Children album is great. I think it's grown on me a bit too; at first some of the songs seemed overlong and the vocals aren't the greatest, but there's some pretty interesting stuff going on. I like to think of it as if that twangy/twiddly sometimes-not-quite-thrash riffing style of Destruction's Sentence of Death was extrapolated backwards to an even more blues-based 70's sound, but of course with progressive songs belonging to a later era. One of the most unique newer thrash albums I know of, and unfortunately I haven't heard anything about a new one.

Creation of Violation was the song that I heard first as well; right now I'd say it's approximately representative of the album in terms of quality.

It's a good point about the songs being a bit overlong. It's good 'background thrash' while surfing the web or whatever. Actively listening at the changes and key moments. I called it prog thrash because of their classification on Enc. Metallum, but I agree, it's not proggy in the way I think of the word right away. It does have a certain dose of technicality though. Maybe technical groove thrash might describe it? They stick to a technical groove for long periods of time. It's not really that thrashy either.. *shrug* let's just say it's a pretty good album. Heh.

I bought 4 of the songs on itunes. I think they split up though. Unfortunate.
Absu - The Third Storm Of Cythraul

I don't know why people call this weak in comparison to some of their other best works. It has the most balls and the least fluff, even if some of the songs on Barathrum, Tara, Or Tiphareth are more interesting.

Children - Hard Times Hanging at the End of the World (2009)

Prog Thrash. The titles may be jokes; the music is anything but.

YES! This album is great! I haven't heard it in far too long. Can't seem find it to download anywhere. If you come across a link for it shot me a PM? I'd love to listen to it again and I don't do Spotify and all that.
It amazes me how many people are still oblivious to soulseek. You'll never have a problem downloading again, Podgie.