Albums currently kicking your ass

Oh shit! Yeah, I recently got put onto that from a friend 'cause I was trying to find the Revenant demos and he said soulseek would have them. I was doubtful... but I was wrong! :lol:

Cheers for reminding me about soulseek... sorted ;)
I mean, occasionally a super-obscure demo/comp can be hard to find (and by that, I usually mean it's on there, but only a couple of people have it and they have shit upload rates or something), but I haven't had trouble with a non-classical recording since I got it in May.
Yeah man, I mean, I've only used it for the Revenant demos (and Children) so far but it's a good tool for sure. I'll just have to remember I have it when I can't find something now! :lol:
I've never figured out how to get people to allow me to download their shit through SoulSeek. I still get by with blogs and a few other sources well enough, although there are definitely some demos and things that I can't find. Although IIRC for those of us too computer illiterate to set up a proxy or tor network, there's also the concern of having your IP out in the open as you offer stuff for download.
I just downloaded it, went on there, downloaded the Revenant demos and EPs and a few random Toxik tracks I couldn't find elsewhere, then it popped up and said "you need to share something or you could be banned" - I uploaded some random album from My Music and that was it... Downloaded the Children album tonight and haven't had any bother. I know nothing of proxies or tor networks and what not.
I've never figured out how to get people to allow me to download their shit through SoulSeek.

You need to share your music too, it doesn't matters if no one is downloading it as long as you are sharing. Otherwise, if they see you are not sharing anything, they will block you from downloading their files.
I just downloaded the program and I think I managed to upload something (although for some reason I can only see the first thing I uploaded, and no later albums/demos; oh well I'll figure it out). One person has me on queue but it appears that there's at least a set position, and another is letting me download a demo (at 6kbps but I'm patient). It doesn't look as public as I remember it being; maybe I've superimposed my memories of using torrents a decade ago onto SoulSeek.

Thanks for the tips/words of encouragement.
I may try it out for the super hard to find stuff from the 80's and whatnot. But for readily available things like that Children album (seriously it's $2.99 on amazon) you really should pay for that. It came out 4 years ago, it's cheap, it's not hard to find. If you don't have 2.99 how do you eat?
Well first of all how I live/eat is non of your business, nor is what YOU think I 'should' be paying for... but yeah, I don't pay for digital downloads, regardless of the price. I'll buy the CD or vinyl at some point.
Fyrnask's Eldir Nott... intro/first track is amazing. Theres a few moments of dissonance that doesn't quite fit with the rest of the album, but other than that it's pretty amazing. I'd have to go 4.5+/5

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Perfect, just like Enemy of God.