Albums currently kicking your ass

They're so fuckin good, I've never been able to get anyone to like them though.

Awesome! Great song, the video strangely reminded me of American Pyscho. Honestly, just think it's the suit and tie and craziness. Yeah, drone is really hard to listen to, but I pretty much love everything Stephen O'Malley touches.

Apparently there's some sorta internet buzz/controversy around this album. All I know is I just found it and I think it's fucking awesome.

They say youre insane so dont say a word
If it has a name, it has no trace
The travelled mind is all about freedom
The dust that you breathe makes everything red
Life that your lived will never come back
And theres nothing easy
So hit with the rain

This album has not left my car CD player in months. Still kicking my ass repeatedly.