Albums currently kicking your ass


Recently, I came across an awesome racy band called Hexentanz (literally 'Witch Dance'). They're playing so-called ritual ambient. Their music represents dark soundscapes, filled with ritual sounds and hypnotic drums that take you away back in the medieval times. It's composed with actual instruments of that period, synthetic ritual devices, and even with human bones. Lyrics are more like arcane chants dedicated to witches and occultism. Believe me, it's worth listening to.

Hasch tobira hasch du kan hier forto hasch ti konta
It was the Erythraean Sea the Mother Serpent found
and from the caves shall she be called
unto the sabbat enthroned on the Elder Oak
does the dragon coil around
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Recently, I came across an awesome racy band called Hexentanz (literally 'Witch Dance'). They're playing so-called ritual ambient. Their music represents dark soundscapes, filled with ritual sounds and hypnotic drums that take you away back in the medieval times. It's composed with actual instruments of that period, synthetic ritual devices, and even with human bones. Lyrics are more like arcane chants dedicated to witches and occultism. Believe me, it's worth listening to.

Hasch tobira hasch du kan hier forto hasch ti konta
It was the Erythraean Sea the Mother Serpent found
and from the caves shall she be called
unto the sabbat enthroned on the Elder Oak
does the dragon coil around

Absolutely loving it. Somewhat similar to Aghast, but not quite. Great find:kickass:
They'll never release music like this again.


And yeah that Hexentanz is awesome, I need more ambient tribal music.

I love this album. There are so many great catchy songs. Some are hilarious like McDahmers, Coming to Chicago, Jeffrey Dahmer and the Chocolate Factory. Macabre's best album.
dwellerINTHEdark, Carpe Mortem

Glad you guys dig Hexentanz. Their music is indeed something sacral and mysterious I've ever heard. There's also band called Zero Kama. They play pretty similar music, but I can't say more 'cause actually I've just listened to a few songs of them so far. I should give this band a good listen too.