Albums currently kicking your ass


Doctor Livingstone - Notes Du Paradis (Whoop Whoop Whee Whee)

Just got this in the mail today and am very pleased with it. Compared to Contemptus Saeculi it leans more towards Hardcore while still sounding very negative and "blackened". It sounds like if Kickback was dirtier and more chaotic.


Bethlehem - Mein Weg

I haven't listened to Bethlehem in a while and decided to check out some of their newer stuff. If you're looking for raw suicidal black metal you'll be disappointed, but if you want something that sounds like a slightly heavier version of Rammstein I'd suggest checking this out. It's not mind blowing, but at the same time it's not too bad.
I've seen Wovenhand referred to as Gothic Country even though that seems to mean a few random different things. Have you heard 16 Horsepower Kaf? Same boat.
i quite like 16 horsepower though i find them a little obvious and campy (feel the same way about most goth-tinged stuff). i've wanted more weird, atmospheric, emotionally charged folk/country stuff for a while. been digging some big blood recently although they're not very consistent.
i quite like 16 horsepower though i find them a little obvious and campy (feel the same way about most goth-tinged stuff). i've wanted more weird, atmospheric, emotionally charged folk/country stuff for a while. been digging some big blood recently although they're not very consistent.

If you're not familiar do check out Those Poor Bastards, in particular their album Gospel Haunted.
I've seen Wovenhand referred to as Gothic Country even though that seems to mean a few random different things. Have you heard 16 Horsepower Kaf? Same boat.

Gothic country?...That could be really good, or REALLY bad...Is it anything like King Dude? For some reason hearing "gothic country" reminded me of when I saw them open up for Earth and wanted to blow my fucking brains out. Ugh, they were fucking terrible.

Yeah, it's like folk-country. Heavily religious, but in a dark way which is excellent.

16 Horsepower is good too Krow, but way more hillbilly style.

Dark folk I am all about. Same with country if its twangy and depressing as shit.
16 Horsepower is really good. I really liked their album Folklore. Those Poor Bastards are also really good too. Wovenhand is a little harder for me to get into, actually. I think it may be "too country" for me? Idk, should give it another try soon. I remember you liking Man's Gin… sorta like that but a little more country, 16 horsepower that is.

Serpent - ablation
a random purchase and so good

Dimensional Bleedthrough. The first three tracks have been kicking my ass so hard the past week. Anyone know of anything resembling the trippier parts of this or like Oranssi Pazuzu?
