Albums currently kicking your ass


I forgot I still had my friends copy of this. I guess it's mine now forever. Fuck, it's so good.
I have a hard time enjoying Reinkaos tbh. It's funny, on a swedish board I post on sometimes, people are like "it's the only real Dissection album" because of the conviction behind it etc. Doesn't make the music better sorry.
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Storm of the lights bane is by farrr the best.

Why are you emphasizing the R in "far"? You're supposed to be dropping those like a true Jawjan, e.g. Jimmy Cahta. That's not even going into the fact that you probably should've appended an "I do declare" at the end of that statement.
I have a hard time enjoying Reinkaos tbh. It's funny, on a swedish board I post on sometimes, people are like "it's the only real Dissection album" because of the conviction behind it etc. Doesn't make the music better sorry.

Yeah, it's definitely the conviction, spirit, lyrics, etc that make the album. There are loads of quality riffs too. It helps to approach it as a modern heavy metal album and not a continuation of earlier Dissection. Anyway I'm not saying it's perfect or anything but I can finally appreciate what Jon was going for.
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Why are you emphasizing the R in "far"? You're supposed to be dropping those like a true Jawjan, e.g. Jimmy Cahta. That's not even going into the fact that you probably should've appended an "I do declare" at the end of that statement.

Hah. I'm from the burbs. Subdivisions, Strip malls, and restaurants as far as the eye can see. No accent from most folks here. Customers at work tell me I've got a generic "probably from the midwest" voice, expecting a Sowth Jawja Savannah twang when I tell them I grew up here.