Albums currently kicking your ass

What is it that makes you think Storm of the Light's Bane isn't a great album? There are a few tracks on there that make me rate it lower than I otherwise would, the biggest offender being "Where Dead Angels Lie" which I pretty much always skip.
I almost didn't want to post this for fear it might start an argument between Sacramentum and Dissection, but fuck it


This thing is hitting hard right now, as it always does.
i doubt many people will argue against sacramentum's superiority here. not really fair for anyone to criticise dissection for not being sacramentum though. that's a ridiculously high bar.

idk guys, i've always found SotNB fun but too easily digestible and theatrical for greatness, or at least consistent greatness. i actually like pretty much every song iirc to varying degrees, just wouldn't rate it as some kind of masterpiece. it's been a while though, if you guys insist i'm wrong i think i'll revisit it today.
Well actually, I've never really understood opinions that the Sacramentum album is a rip off of Dissection's sound; beyond superficial similarities they don't sound much alike to these ears. For that reason I can understand people who prefer what Dissection were doing.
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Both The Somberlain and SOTLB are better than Far Away From the Sun imo. I actually think that album is really overrated around here, it IS great but yeah Dissection is just obviously better imo.

I can understand the argument against SOTLB in that it is very catchy and easy to get into which also can make it more shallow and less feel rewarding in the long run. I do disagree though because it is just on a so high level that it is both as good on the first listen as the 100th.
I discovered both albums when I was still really young and they've been monumentally influential on my taste ever since. At this stage I'd struggle to choose between them too, but Far Away From the Sun might have the edge; it's still a total wet fucking eyes album. I can remember when Sacramentum were better known for The Coming of Chaos and were widely considered an inferior Dissection clone, something I vehemently disagreed with then and now.
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At this stage I'd struggle to choose between them too, but Far Away From the Sun might have the edge; it's still a total wet fucking eyes album.

Glad I'm not the only one! I don't see many people admitting an album almost reduces them to tears, but this one definitely does.

The Sacramentum demo songs are available on YouTube these days if anyone hasn't heard them. Interesting stuff.
Slaughtersun is definitely one of the highlights of this style and I think it is better than all Dawns earlier works.

What do you guys think of Unanimated? Not really on the level of the bands mentioned here earlier but Ancient God of Evil isn't bad at all imo.