Albums currently kicking your ass


Purtenance - Member of Immortal Damnation

I've seen opinions that this is 2nd or even 3rd tier Finnish death metal which I completely disagree with. Sure the songwriting isn't quite as good as the best from that scene but the production is amazing. Crushing, dark and dirty.

Anyone know if their new material is worthy?
Rippikoulu's comeback album was kind of cool. They changed up their style to be more doom/death metal. I'm not a big fan and Musta Seremonia shits all over it but it exists I guess.

Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom

So it only took about 6 years, but I finally get this. I used to think it was an endless wall of blast beats without many discernible riffs. I never thought it was bad, I just didn't get what was so great about it, but fuck this is destroying me right now! I can get behind this filth.

Maybe now I'll be able to get into the whole "beastial black/death" thing which I never really have before. Going to start with Teitanblood's Seven Chalices I think, anything else that's essential?