Albums currently kicking your ass

Blod-Draum. Shit is tight, only loses a little steam/quality around the middle. But picks up again last 2 tracks. A glade of i grown blood really reminds me of early At The Gates.

Forgotten Legends for me is easily the weakest of Drudkh's first 4 albums. Been fucking loving The Swan Road of late.
I'm of the rare opinion Drudkh dropped off after Autumn Aurora. Pretty much every one of their albums is good but the first two are magic.
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For sure. They got pretty average after Blood in our wells, but microcosmos and estrangement arent bad, just average, which means I don't end up spinning those albums. Havent heard their newest stuff, but have been reading that it's somewhat of a return to better quality.
Autumn Aurora is definitely the best Drudkh album imo, after that they have't really interested me at all, Blood in Our Wells is fine but not really anything special.

Kicking my ass:
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Starting to pick away at finding the Sabbat full lengths. Seems like these are gonna be a bitch to find. Got this one coming from Germany from a seller that's auction was in Polish currency for some reason. Luckily the American dollar annihilates it at a 4 to 1 ratio.
Checked out their catalogue at Metal Archives... GADDAMN! :lol:

Pretty sure they're worshiped as gods in the Asian metal scene. If you ever considered liking black/thrash you should really check out some of their full lengths imo. The 100000 other releases, I cant really comment on.
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ive been wanting to check out Sabbat, im glad im not a completionists because fucking christ thats a lot of releases
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