Albums currently kicking your ass


Deliverance - Devil's Meat

This album keeps growing on me. This is how you do atmospheric black metal. Perfect production.
I've never considered LHP to be one of the best SweDeath albums. It's good but can't compete with most of the other big names.

The title track slays, though.
Title track and Drowned are the only notable songs. The majority is just average with the Sunlight Studios gimmick working in their favor. Clandestine destroys the album.
Clandestine destroys the album.

Finally you say something I can agree with. Clandestine is GODLY.

My only problem with Left Hand Path is I prefer most of the songs when they did them earlier as Nihilist.

Yeah same, actually I'd go out on a rotted limb and say Nihilist > Dismember and Entombed, by quite a margin too.