Albums currently kicking your ass

Because Dead is much better than Attila...
Honestly, I'll give Attila some credit here. I thought that some parts of his performance on the album are great but then there are some ridiculously stupid parts like on Curse of Eternity where he just growls like a moron over that one riff. The problem is that he has to stand up against Dead, who has that chilling and influential ringwraith howl that would go on to be a staple of a lot of bands. Culto did it as well but hey...I just think it sounds better.

Freezing Moon isn't even one of the better tracks on the album imo. "Buried by Time and Dust" and the title track are the best imo. It is certainly one of the best black metal albums of all time. Those who whine about the vocals needs to be asking themselves why they'd rather have some generic shrieker.
Oh yeah, Buried by Time and Dust is better. I was just stating that it was one of those moments where I got why this album was so acclaimed in the first place. As for whining about Attila's vocals, while I do prefer Dead's, the constant bitching and moaning does get tiresome.

@Vilden As for whether or not it's the best, keep in mind that I had already listened to early Gorgoroth and Darkthrone, whose albums essentially usurped De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas by quite a significant margin. Mostly due to the fact that, in my opinion, just hearing those bands tells you how composed they were in comparison to Mayhem.

Solid album but I don't think it's on par with LaEFS or SoSE. Mildly overrated.

"Overrated" is becoming the single most boring piece of commentary these days. I really don't care how high or low people regard something, tell me what you think personally instead relaying statistical conclusions to me.

As I said, I slightly prefer Left Hand Path to Like An Ever Flowing Stream, I think it has a superior production to boot. But I also prefer Indecent & Obscene to Like An Ever Flowing Stream and I prefer Clandestine to the three of them. Massive Killing Capacity is another of my top favourites.

Then I think Nihilist's recordings blow them all out of the water.

But to top it all off, it's been some time since I've listened to these albums, let alone back-to-back so maybe I don't even think this anymore.

Also, remind me again what SoSE is?
This debate is quite amusing. l totally believe LHP to be one of the pinnacles of DM. It blows Clandestine out of the water for being the far more believable and brutal album of the 2. Show me those melodies on Clandestine. And Nicke singing against Lars-Petrov...