Albums currently kicking your ass


So you like heavy metal?
"Overrated" is becoming the single most boring piece of commentary these days. I really don't care how high or low people regard something, tell me what you think personally instead relaying statistical conclusions to me.

As I said, I slightly prefer Left Hand Path to Like An Ever Flowing Stream, I think it has a superior production to boot. But I also prefer Indecent & Obscene to Like An Ever Flowing Stream and I prefer Clandestine to the three of them. Massive Killing Capacity is another of my top favourites.

Then I think Nihilist's recordings blow them all out of the water.

But to top it all off, it's been some time since I've listened to these albums, let alone back-to-back so maybe I don't even think this anymore.

Also, remind me again what SoSE is?

To elaborate, Left Hand Path is an interesting album to listen to intellectually. The musicianship and songwriting is engaging. However, it has rather moderate emotive and atmospheric dimensions. It doesn't really resonate beyond the surface. Death metal is best when it is overwhelmingly intense (Cryptopsy, Incantation), emotive and/or primal (Dismember, Demigod), or alien and weird sounding (Demilich). Left Hand Path is none of those things. Thus, it feels effective but not meaningful.
My immediate reaction to that Sort Vokter album is that it mildly sounds like Finntroll recorded on a tape recorder. Awful.