Albums currently kicking your ass


Venenum - Venenum EP

This EP rules. I've recently listened to their full length, Trance of Death, and I'm not sure how I feel about that one. Loads of cool parts but will require multiple listens.

Vanhelgd - Cult of Lazarus

This has become one of my favourite death metal recordings of the 2000s. It doesn't really do anything new, but nor does it sound like a clone of anything else. Such a convincing occult and filthy atmosphere and it's all very memorable. Rather unique vocal approach as well. The fantastic production job elevates it.

People overrate The Force a lot but it's still a pretty awesome thrash metal album. As for Protectors of the Lair, I don't understand the hate some have for it. It's definitely thrashier than their debut but it's still epic and manages to stand out somewhat in a year that is bursting at the gills with exemplary material.

Okay, this Griffin album rules. Been meaning to check it out for ages and your post reminded me of its existence.
nearly all your favourite bands could be classed as melodeath or meloblack in the way i was using the terms there lol, it doesn't sound like in flames or something. it still has some of that varathron flavor too. i need to revisit WALPURGISNACHT but i like it more than HIS MAJESTY yeah.


i didn't find the new sacrilegium super interesting. idk about specific comparisons but you should probably just check out more oak & eagle stuff, they had a rivalry with the temple of fullmoon and i guess they lost 'cause they seem a lot less known in general than those bands. doesn't mean there wasn't good shit there though, as WICHER proves. north might be a good place to start given they did splits with sacrilegium, i think FROM THE DARK PAST is supposed to be good.