Albums currently kicking your ass

My favorite TON album
Same, with Slow, Deep and Hard coming in at a close second.


Doomy Sunday
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Doomy sunday indeed. Recently replaced my subpar Doomentia version of this with the Iron Kodex one. Far superior and plays like a full length instead of an ep with two live bonus tracks.

This may well end up being minor Chasm but I'm too in love with their style not to dig anything release.

I still haven't heard this. What is it like?

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Venenum - Trance of Death

Worth the six year wait.

I have only listened to this once and that's not enough to form an opinion - it's definitely interesting. Need to give a few more listens. For now I still prefer their EP.
fucking witchcraft man

wtf happened to them...went from pretty solid to outright garbage


really need to get around to reading the comic that goes along with this album
I know that, I was just being droll on account of the fact that multiple bands bear the name Witchcraft. But I know for a fact that it's the psychedelic/doom Witchcraft from Sweden.