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First and foremost: they were free, my non-drinking brother bought a 20 pack for some work gathering, 10 of which were leftover.

And nowhere on the can does it say "Lite" just says premium 4.2% alcohol.

Edit: I went through the 10 cans like soda so it probably is light but it just doesn't say so on the can over here.

They were free motherfucker. :D
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Coors Light should change its name to I Can't Believe It's Not Water!

To be honest, I've never even tried any of the BMC light beers except for Miller Lite on one solitary occasion at a party. I just think I can safely assume those beers are rubbish without even drinking them. However, I've had regular Budweiser on a few occasions and I think it's decent for what it is.
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To be honest, I've never even tried any of the BMC light beers except for Miller Lite on one solitary occasion at a party. I just think I can safely assume those beers are rubbish without even drinking them. However, I've had regular Budweiser on a few occasions and I thought it was decent for what it is.

Regular Budweiser, Miller High Life is good for what it is and one or two other domestics are what I would typically drink on a regular basis since it was cheap. I do miss IPA too.

Oh, Coors Original is pretty good too.