Albums currently kicking your ass

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the most beautiful prog death ive ever heard

epic, atmospheric, moments of both extreme brutality and soothing calm, teeming with classical musical elements (god damn dat violin makes me well up sometimes), fuck yes
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I've listened to this quite a few times and honestly it's probably one of the biggest surprises this year for me.

Styles mash up like they always do with Gwar, I guess but its done really well here. Only stinker for me is Death to Dickie Duncan.

And then they go and close the album with a traditional doom metal song dedicated to Brockie

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the most beautiful prog death ive ever heard

epic, atmospheric, moments of brutality, teeming with classical musical elements, fuck yes

Holy shit! 2 minutes in and I'm fucking hooked. Buying this and it's going on repeat in my car for awhile. I was going to wait until i could buy it at their live show but nope
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@CASSETTEISGOD this is as good as I could have hoped. They kind of dropped the longer songs from the last two albums and returned to their older formula of 1-2 minute songs with a couple 2.5-3 minute ones thrown in. Sadly, no samples though.

This one is just some raging deathgrind with those rock flairs thrown in occasionally. If you like the first three, you'll love this.

Tbh. man there's been a lot of albums this year I've really liked... I feel like moreso than in the past few years.
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That's similar to what Nekro Drunkz did with Lavatory Carnage by stripping out all samples, trimming the fat and just going for the throat. No nonsense deathgrind.

Sounds good man, I'm pretty eager to get that album already. That cover art and logo design combined spells some pretty bleak shit.

2017 has been characteristically bloated with quality metal that's for sure, it's been brutal trying to keep up.

Edit: And another thing about 2017 is it hasn't been noticeably dominated by any genre, we're being yanked in so many directions, it's really forced me to prioritize purchases based on genre preferences.