Albums currently kicking your ass

First listen, I think. This is so much better than Blessed or Covenant.

In retrospect, this may end up being higher than I initially thought. I've always liked the monstrously ominous tone of it and looking back, Trey and Erik are especially great here. The inclusion of Erik definitely helped this one out.

Looking forward to giving Kingdoms Disdained a try as I get further through their discography as it's the one album I haven't given a real listen.
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Just as good, if not slightly better imo. Very similar style, but the production is better. Not that Blut und Krieg’s production has ever been an issue for me, but I know some people aren’t a fan.
If everyone put a YouTube link in for the album they post, this thread would be slow as fuck. Especially if you browse on your phone.

yes let's just stop posting in the youtube thread, the songs kicking your ass thread the guitar solo thread etc
if your connections no good fucking upgrade!

a link, ie - slows no one down. it's just a link. click it or no.
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Reactions: EspaDa

Lucifugum - On the Soritlage of Christianity


Avzhia - Dark Emperors

I'd listen to this more often if the vocals were better. Those elongated shrieks where he's kinda going like waaaaahhhhhhh-ahhhhhhhh-waaaaahhhhh are fucking irritating. Still, epic shit.
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Reactions: Slayed Necros