Albums currently kicking your ass


Unholy - The Second Ring of Power
One of the greatest, most creative albums ever.


This is my top album of 2018. It epitomizes everything I love about metal. Everything about it is massive. Nicklas Rudolfsson's beastly growls and background howls. The mammoth riffs, the dinosauric grooves. Daniel Moilanen swings like a motherfucker and Emma Rudolfsson drives a hard rhythm. All balls. Hails.
One of the greatest, most creative albums ever.


This is my top album of 2018. It epitomizes everything I love about metal. Everything about it is massive. Nicklas Rudolfsson's beastly growls and background howls. The mammoth riffs, the dinosauric grooves. Daniel Moilanen swings like a motherfucker and Emma Rudolfsson drives a hard rhythm. All balls. Hails.

On my short list of stuff to listen to before finalufina my 2018 list. Lots of folks with good taste have mentioned this so we'll see!
Netherstorm indeed rules! Integrates the synths tastefully and doesn’t forget the riffs like so much synth heavily black metal seems to. Like a more cosmic and spacey In the Nightside Eclipse.

Anyone know of any other bands doing this style of black metal this well over the last few years? I mean like this, ItNE, Obtained Enslavement and Kataxu. It isn’t something I tend to search for because it’s difficult to do right.

It's strange, she likes all the emo, screamo and even metalcore bands, but when I blast any actual metal she looks at me like I have two heads. Madness.

Seems like a lost cause I’m afraid! I thought emo and screamo had died a death. I don’t hear about it from my students anyway. It’s all rap these days and anything with “skanky” beats apprently. On non-uniform days I sometimes have a desire to go in wearing metal shirts and shit to see what their reaction would be!
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This makes me feel better about my wife mostly listening to Cranberries, Enya, and Pink Floyd.
Yeah, you're in good shape.


Tribulation. Kinda reminds me of Fields of the Nephilim at times. Badass.


Summoning. This grows with every listen, but the boys really need to mix things up on the next album.


So this is melting my face off. Death/thrash rampage!
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Abigor - Nachthymnen

Often don’t get their due for releasing albums that are among the black metal elite. This is probably my favourite of theirs, but all their early stuff is good to great. Not many bands I can think of that really sound like early Abigor and the way they channel medieval atmospheres. This desperately needs a reissue and then hopefully it’ll reach a larger audience.
This album will forever kick ass. Over the years I think it's even become my favourite MA album. So much ferocity. This is Morbid Angel at their most abstract & creative IMO. Heaps going on within this album.

For some stupid reason I always kinda overlooked it until last year, and it just clicked with me and went to the top.
Yeah it took a little while for that album to click with me initially as well. I used to think it contained a fair chunk of filler tracks, but these days songs such as Prayer of Hatred, Umulamahri & Covenant of Death are some of my favourites on the whole album.

Heaving Earth, Chambers of Dis & Hellspawn are so fucking violent, whilst Invocation of the Continual One is such an epic odyssey. Outstanding stuff.

Another album of theirs that gets overlooked too much in my opinion is Heretic. If that album had a bit of a better mix I think people would hold it in higher regard. If you like the direction they were heading in on Formulas & haven't listened to Heretic much I highly recommend it.
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Agree that Formulas is good and their 3rd best for me after the first 2. But after relistening to Heretic recently for the purposes of the Morbid Angel’s discography ranking thread, I’ll have to disagree. It’s extremely boring and uninspired. I even ranked it lower than Illud in that thread, because while that albums is absolutely awful, it’s at least entertaining in how bad it is. Heretic doesn’t give any emotional response at all, it just sucks. It lacks any of the creativity you spoke of from Forumlas and it’s an insult to Formulas to even compare the two.
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