Albums currently kicking your ass

Agree that Formulas is good and their 3rd best for me after the first 2. But after relistening to Heretic recently for the purposes of the Morbid Angel’s discography ranking thread, I’ll have to disagree. It’s extremely boring and uninspired. I even ranked it lower than Illud in that thread, because while that albums is absolutely awful, it’s at least entertaining in how bad it is. Heretic doesn’t give any emotional response at all, it just sucks. It lacks any of the creativity you spoke of from Forumlas and it’s an insult to Formulas to even compare the two.
Oof, lower than Illud? Ouch.

By no means does it compare well to Formulas but I'm not so sure its that bad lol. I think the lack of perceived emotion honestly comes down to the mix. Hardly any bass in the mix at all leaves the songs sounding kinda toothless and bland. Cleansed in Pestilence & Beneath the Hollow are both absolute bangers. Apart from those two standout tracks I think the rest of the album remains pretty solid, if not overly memorable.

This is a pretty dope instrumental.

Easily one of my top black metal albums this year. Didnt like their last album too much so I'm glad they returned to form.

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Formulas is my favorite MA album. There's something so warped sounding about it. Massive Lovecraftian vibes.

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Yeah I bought their last album expecting a masterpiece and was somewhat disappointed with that overextended effort. I'll be giving the new one a listen shortly. Glad to hear positive feedback.

I’ll have to give that one a listen. I completely forgot about them because like you I didn’t enjoy their last one too much.

Reminds me more of Haxan than their latest efforts.
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Yeah it took a little while for that album to click with me initially as well. I used to think it contained a fair chunk of filler tracks, but these days songs such as Prayer of Hatred, Umulamahri & Covenant of Death are some of my favourites on the whole album.

Heaving Earth, Chambers of Dis & Hellspawn are so fucking violent, whilst Invocation of the Continual One is such an epic odyssey. Outstanding stuff.
It's really on par with what is often considered their most influential in the late '80s to early '90s, if not managing to exceed a lot of what is on Blessed. Pretty underrated overall.
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Kyuss-Blues for the Red Sun/Welcome to Sky Valley

Corrosion of Conformity-Deliverance

I'm pretty bored with most genres of metal (I think I've listened to all of the central bands and my lazy ass hasn't bothered to explore further) but stoner/doom metal brings something new for me. I like how it replicates the Black Sabbath/Led Zeppelin atmosphere without being a total ripoff
I wasnt being sarcastic...I used to think the same thing but it would be pretty hard to argue that the two bands I just mentioned or any similar bands are Sabbath ripoffs. There are a few (Witchfinder General comes to mind) but most do their own thing
This is pretty fucking good. Two quick albums in a two year period. Both great. Thinking I want this on my '18 list somewhere.

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