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I’m super confused with what college is for you haha. We call college where you go from 16-18, which you seem to be calling senior year of high school. A Levels are what you need to get into university (which you generally attend from 18-21, if you go) if you want to do any kind of academic course. To do a degree in maths at university you would need a maths A Level (with a decent grade) for example.

My degree is actually a dual honours degree in maths and chemistry because they were all the rage at the time. I just did maths in my final year, though. So it’s considered a maths major. Degree level chemistry I actually found way easier than A Level chemistry because a lot of it was glorified maths.

I find your education system super confusing in general. You probably feel the same about ours.


Interesting. Perhaps you do buck the trend, but all trends lead to someone like you (high SAT scores) easily achieving a high grade at A Leve maths. There is a big jump from GCSE maths to A Level maths, but not quite as large as you’re suggeting. I think the jump from AS to A2 is bigger, personally. They do a further maths GCSE these days which kind of bridges that gap between normal GCSE and A Level. That would have probably helped. Students who take their GCSE a year early tend to do the further maths GCSE in year 11 which would have probably benefited you rather than doing the AS in year 11.

I found statistics to be hideously boring, but pretty easy. Got a B on that module I think. The “pure” stuff was by far my favourite part about it.

I’m a bit different to you. I loved maths in primary school. And then I hated it for the first few years of high school - found it boring and couldn’t see the relevance of it. I was always top set, but my test results were continuously towards the bottom of the class. Then I got to year 10 and something changed. For whatever reason it suddenly started really interesting me and I decided I was going to do well in my gcse. Ended up in the top 3 of my class. My real interest in the subject began at A Level - there were still too many topics at gcse that to me felt like basic numeracy skills than actual maths.

i mean, i guess there's obviously gonna be a correlation between high SAT scores and high A Level scores. throughout the rest of school i was better than all but a couple of people, whereas obviously loads did better than me in A Level, so at some point i slowed down big time. there was a more general problem with me where i never learned to work hard because i didn't need to, so when i hit the point in high school that started requiring effort on top of ability i was fighting against a current there lol. but if anything i improved in english at A Level, so maybe it boils down to that shift of interest. regardless, i do have an unusual brain and wouldn't be surprised if i have some undiagnosed disorder or w/e.