Albums currently kicking your ass


I must have never bothered with this album before... because I had no idea MDB was so death metal at one point. :kickass:

Saw them live last weekend!!! :kickass: Kinda re-ignited my love for their whole back catalogue, working my way through them all these past few days
Of Montreal - Coquelicot Asleep in the Poppies: A Variety of Whimsical Verse


This has honestly the most bizarre concept ever:

Coquelicot is an Efeblum. An Efeblum is a fairy-like creature who is employed by the Efeneties (loving spirits) to place bells inside people's hearts. When a person has a bell in their heart they are able to create works of art, fall in love and feel at peace with the world. Coquelicot, during one of her trips to Earth, decides to discard her bells and experience life as a human. Instead of living in "reality" she decides to experience life in a sleeping unconscious/conscious state. It is in this subconscious world that she meets Claude and Lecithin the inventor. They do all sorts of crazy stuff together like having incredible battles with evergreens and satellites, getting chased by psychotic zombies, playing with Lecithin's inventions and eventually moving away together to a deserted frozen island. In time, Coquelicot feels remorseful about neglecting her responsibilities as an Efeblum and decides to return to her work. She can't bear the thought of leaving her two new best friends so she invites them to come along with her. They happily [accept] and join her as honorary Efeblums.
lol wtf

also--a psych rock album with whimsical in the title yeah i'll definitely be checking that out </sarcasm because whimsical psych rock is the worst thing possible and btw just for the record syd barrett-era pink floyd is fucking retarded>
the part in the story where the god fearing community ignores the "hyena cicadas" since they cannot kill any of gods creatures. the parents send their kids out to recess anyways and the kids hide under some trees because they're afraid of being killed by the cicadas. one especially hungry cicada suggests they hide in the trees one day and they do and eventually kill all of the kids. is probably the weirdest part of it all.

This is the first thing I've heard by them (well I'd heard the title track from this album before).

Sounds really impressive half way in. Doomin like a good un.