Albums currently kicking your ass

I just discovered that a girl at my workplace whom I've worked with for 2 years now is into metal as well, so we have been exchanging music like crazy..she gave me this gem though which is great, although the quality is slightly fucked:

Apart from killer songwriting and great musicianship.GBK are'nt the sought of band whose albums are easy to grasp at first,they take numerous listens before they unfold to the listener and besides they sure as hell don't sound like most BM bands out there.There's no accounting for taste though.
currently kicking my ass :kickass:

GBK does write very good music. Who cares if they're a bunch of redneck neo-nazi hicks, right :):headbang:
Paramore is better than any metal band tbqh

Only reason you shitheads hate them is due to their fanbase. If they were signed to some underground label and they didn't have half the fanbase they do today you might dislike them, but you'd not be so active in your dislike, but instead " BIG POPULAR BAND I DON'T LIKE MUST SHIT ON THEM "

I'd rather just about listen too anything over Paramore. They're not even decent let alone better than anything. Honestly how can you think you have decent taste in non-metal music. Actually your taste in metal music is not even decent either.
lol at coming to a metal forum and posting Paramore is better than any metal band, not to mention dude doesn't even listen to metal anymore. I don't even know why he is going to MDF, he'll just stand around wishing he was seeing Paramore.
I just discovered that a girl at my workplace whom I've worked with for 2 years now is into metal as well, so we have been exchanging music like crazy..she gave me this gem though which is great, although the quality is slightly fucked:


Isn't that a transfer from tape? Probably why it sounds so shitty. Regardless it is a good album. Kind of weird in that, inverting the typical musical development of a metal band, it's probably their most accessible; riffs here are catchy as fuck and songs are tightly structured, later stuff gets more flowing and lengthy. It's ostensibly black metal but there's obviously a big influence from more accessible strains of metal in there. Dudes covered WASP so obviously they had a penchant for that kind of thing. Personally Lunar Poetry and Goat Horns are the only works I'm interested in from them.
new High On Fire is heavy, direct and drenched in Sabbath and Motorhead. I like it. Love the drumming/ drum sound especially.