Albums currently kicking your ass

Just got this in the mail - fucking legendary


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This is probably my favorite Sodom album. It's got just enough death metal in with the thrash to really keep my attention. I'd like to know some more albums like this, without going ahead and recommending me a bunch of death/thrash, because that isnt really what I'm looking for.

This is probably my favorite Sodom album. It's got just enough death metal in with the thrash to really keep my attention. I'd like to know some more albums like this, without going ahead and recommending me a bunch of death/thrash, because that isnt really what I'm looking for.

... love that album, give Devastations Signs of Life or Idolatry a shot if you haven't yet. Other obivous rec's would be Morbid Saint, Demolition Hammer and maybe even Rigor Mortis, but you've probably heard those bands already.
... love that album, give Devastations Signs of Life or Idolatry a shot if you haven't yet. Other obivous rec's would be Morbid Saint, Demolition Hammer and maybe even Rigor Mortis, but you've probably heard those bands already.

Demolition Hammer is great stuff, Morbid Saint too. Havent really bothered with Rigor Mortis before and I was going to buy Idolatry at one point, thanks for backing that one up.
^ It's alright.
I think it's great personally. Been spinning it quite a bit lately and it's only getting better. It's also got a bit of a thrash/punk edge to it that I really enjoy.

Demolition Hammer is great stuff, Morbid Saint too. Havent really bothered with Rigor Mortis before and I was going to buy Idolatry at one point, thanks for backing that one up.
Can definitely recommend Rigor Mortis, though it is a lot more thrash than death for sure.