Albums currently kicking your ass

The title tack from HINCB is one of my favorites of theirs. And I love that they have SUCH a distinct sound. Like I have yet to hear a single band that made me go "oh that's totally like Gaza there".
Watain - Lawless Darkness


Also this, so fucking dirty;

Father Befouled - Revulsion of Seraphic Grace


Do I even need to say anything about this?
Got my vinyl of this in the mail today. Which is supposed to be red but seems to be black. Oh well.

Holy fuck, what a fun album! If anyone can suggest similar artists Id be very appreciative. (Krow?)


Its confirmed, this shit ripped me a new asshole. Its one of the founders of Hour of Penance's band, Enrico Schettino's, and its very much along the same technical/brutal death metal lines. Fans of HoP should listen to this for sure, its a bit long but well fucking worth it.

Holy fuck, what a fun album! If anyone can suggest similar artists.

Well yeah I can actually help here. :lol:
Macabre - Murder Metal
Blood Freak (less thrash but same chaos and goofy attitude)

i really suggest ghoul's latest album too, transmission zero. It may very well be their best.

Let me check my stuff and see if i can cone up with some more.