Albums currently kicking your ass

I don't have any huge problem with them (I do like Demigod), but they seem a touch too theatrical as of late and the whole Satan thing in general just seems a touch too "anti" and cliche. Maybe I'm just getting old :p
Demigod would've been an 10/10 album were it not for the production. It's their best piece, but were it produced like The Apostasy, all garage-y and shit, it would've been perfect.
I don't have any huge problem with them (I do like Demigod), but they seem a touch too theatrical as of late and the whole Satan thing in general just seems a touch too "anti" and cliche. Maybe I'm just getting old :p
I think it only seems that way because of their popularity. But dude's a legit Satanist. Not just for show. There's just few bands out there with that kind of recognition but also flat out openly that Satanic. Get beyond that thought of their notoriety and give them a good listen and its really authentic music.
Demigod is really the only album worth listening to, after giving the other albums a couple tries. I love their sound but Demigod perfectly embodies it.
I think it only seems that way because of their popularity. But dude's a legit Satanist. Not just for show. There's just few bands out there with that kind of recognition but also flat out openly that Satanic. Get beyond that thought of their notoriety and give them a good listen and its really authentic music.

I think it's funny when people judge music for religious beliefs. Like, does it fucking change the actual music? It's not like you can understand what any of the vocalists in death/black metal are saying at least half the time.
Its aesthetically pleasing. I can't enjoy a black metal band praising Christ. It's just not suited for each other.

I prefer neither to be honest. Christianity doesn't suit me nor does it suit black metal. The nature of Satanism is simply opposing Christianity/god and creating an entire belief system in protest of another (whether you're a true believer or just using it for image) it just screams childish, pathetic and attention seeking.

Anyway, hail Odin/Vishnu/Poseidon, baby. At least the pagan religions have their own thing. I could go into a rant on the 3 Abrahamic religions, but this isn't the thread for that =P
I prefer neither to be honest. Christianity doesn't suit me nor does it suit black metal. The nature of Satanism is simply opposing Christianity/god and creating an entire belief system in protest of another (whether you're a true believer or just using it for image) it just screams childish, pathetic and attention seeking.

Anyway, hail Odin/Vishnu/Poseidon, baby. At least the pagan religions have their own thing. I could go into a rant on the 3 Abrahamic religions, but this isn't the thread for that =P
It's childish to outside observers because they typically only know the loons. Most are quiet about it, except in metal.


The idea of any remotely human intellect running things seems very silly to me, but when you get into abstract philosophical territory (DsO is an obvious example) Satan seems like as good a metaphor as any for various shit I believe.

Were breaking you down homeboy. I remember when you even admitted to liking some Electric Wizard at MDF one year. Now, blasting Wodensthrone.

Are you gearing up for that fest you told me about? If you are, check out Woman Is of The Earth and report back.

(Oh, and I thought Loss was a better album, btw.)
Yeah, Jeremy and I are going to hit that beer/gay metal fest up next weekend. And I'll check em out. They better not be gay. But yeah, that Wodensthrone album really didn't strike me as faggotry. It had lots of genuinely great moments and shit. I quickly redeemed myself with:
