In Torment in Hell was pretty bad.
I remember when Deicide broke and mags like Kerrang and Metal Hammer claimed Glen Benton was the devil reincarnate and that everything he did and sung about was beyond what other bands at the time were doing. Slightly earlier than that they were going on about Glen Danzig being the devil but Glen B took over because he was even more evil than that.
I think the term you are looking for is "turned to shit and disappeared up their own arses". Their effort this year was probably the best effort in years but it was still far from their best effort. But honestly what great band doesn't have two reasonable albums and 10 shit albums in their repertoire?
Nah, Danzig is way more evil than Benton. Danzig is basically evil Elvis.
No, they definitely mysteriously disappeared from existence.
But nah, their 3rd album is okay, but not something I ever listen to and everything else I have heard is crap.
I actually didn't mind it myself. No where near their best offering but still okay in patches.
Blessed are the Sick > Altars of Madness > Legion > Deicide = Leprosy > Scream Bloody Gore = Cause of Death > Slowly We Rot.
Leprosy > Altars of Madness
let me fix this for you ....
Altars of Madness = Leprosy > Scream Bloody Gore > Blessed are the Sick > Slowly We Rot >> Cause of Death >>>>>>>> Deicide > Legion
Those two deicide albums are not even in the same league as the other albums mentioned there.
He might look like an evil Elvis but his actual evilness is questionable. He puts stipulations on his shows (maybe not all of them) that there are to be no camera phones so that's not evil, that a fucking blessing!