Albums that suckerpunch you.

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Don't you just love it when an album you have listened to a number of times, which has had no impactful musical experience in the past, resurfaces one day and sends you reeling from an audiogenic wallop?!?!?

Weakling- Dead as Dreams is having sex with my ears as I type this.

What albums have you experienced this with?!?!?!

Do tell. :wave:
Funnily enough, recently I dug out the first album I ever bought - August by Eric Clapton. Besides Behind The Mask, which I love probably because it was the first song I ever heard, there weren't much that really turned me on, and after awhile I neglected it for many years in favour of Heavy Metal amongst other things. The other week I dig it out and it's been on pretty steady play sense. I seem to be getting quite drawn in to AOR as of late (today's downloads - Stevie Nicks, Tina Turner, Belinda Carlisle and Huey Lewis & The News :loco: )
Hate to be this honest for fear or ridicule... but Dillinger Escape Plan's Calculating Infinity has really caught my attenion lately. It's been collecting dust for a long time and it never really attracted me until lately. Otherwise, Boards of Canada is also kicking my ass for the millionth time. I listen to them for months at a time, put them away and forget, then rediscover.
When I first bought Pain of Salvation's Remedy Lane a few years ago, I absolutely hated it but I persisted anyway. After about 10-15 listens, and reading along with the liner notes, it finally all started to come together and completely blew my heart through my chest.
rust in peace...not the kind of album you'd expect, no? i got it a few years ago and wasn't really impressed because at the time i was listening to rage and alice in chains, but i remembered i had it about a year ago after i'd been listening to real metal for a while and it kicked my ass...still does.
My first instincts usually prove correct when actually listening.

I have been guilty of writing off bands before I've heard them though, either based on another's opinion or even some sort of weird snobbery.

I never bothered with Symphony X simply because I assumed they were yet another D&D power metal band. Not sure why I thought that, but the first time I heard them was when The Odyssey came out and I ended up having to go and get the back catalogue. There's load of other examples I could name, but that one jumped in my head first.

Hopefully I'm not the only one who does this.. :(
I honestly don't see what's so special about Dead as Dreams. I've listened to it several times and it's nothing special. Great musicianship and quality writing, but its choc-full of blandness. It lacks what a lot of blackmetal releases lack lately. Good release? Sure. Earth-shattering? Never. But then again, that's just my opinion. To each his own.
Doomcifer said:
When I first bought Pain of Salvation's Remedy Lane a few years ago, I absolutely hated it but I persisted anyway. After about 10-15 listens, and reading along with the liner notes, it finally all started to come together and completely blew my heart through my chest.

I had a similar reaction, I initially thought Used was one of the worst songs I had ever heard (I still consider it one of their worst tracks) and the rest of TPE took forever to get nowhere, it took approximately the same amount of time to reverse my position...