Albums you have rediscovered


Dec 2, 2002
Chicago, IL
Symphony X - V hahaha bad pun

Anyway, you people know that even the most beloved albums become stale and boring after a while. Put that album away for a while, though, and some time in the future you might find that you're readdicted to it. List albums that you've rediscovered.

I've recently got back into Angra's "Rebirth". Damn what a masterpiece of an album.
Rush - Presto. The other day I heard "Available Light" for the first time in years. I really loved that 80's melodic era. Power Windows and Hold Your Fire are probably the most overlooked albums in their entire catalog.
I actually did "rediscover" V. I had gotten an early promo copy and listened to it a couple of times. Amazingly, I didn't like it at all. It didn't hook me like DWOT and TIO did. I had Damnation and s/t at the time too. I thought the vocals were too low in the mix (which I still do to some degree) and just gave up on it. Then I moved from NY to PA and it got buried in my CD collection. About 2 months prior to the mini-tour back in March I decided I should give it another listen since so many people here raved about it being SyX's best. I pulled it out and listened to it again and was blown away. I absolutely love this album now and consider it tied with Divine Wings for my favorite by SyX.

I still don't know what the hell was going through my mind when I first listened to it. I must have been temporarily insane or something! :)
Ahamkara said:
Rush - Presto. The other day I heard "Available Light" for the first time in years. I really loved that 80's melodic era. Power Windows and Hold Your Fire are probably the most overlooked albums in their entire catalog.
Damn, you're absolutely right! I love PW and HYF, amazing songs and melodies. And "Available Light" is simply stunning, easily one of my favorite Rush songs ever.
Ahamkara said:
Rush - Presto. The other day I heard "Available Light" for the first time in years. I really loved that 80's melodic era. Power Windows and Hold Your Fire are probably the most overlooked albums in their entire catalog.

I rediscovered "Presto" over the summer to... and it just might be my favorite Rush album... close call with "Hold Your Fire"... it's amazing how overlooked those albums are... Rush was definately at the top of their game in those years... "Available Light" is simply one of Rush's greatest musical triumphs... what a gorgeous song!
I don't know about Power Windows being overlooked as many Rush fans praise it as the peak of their synth-dominated period, and rightfully so (although I rate Grace a little higher). Presto does tend to escape notice however, and it is also a great album.
"Available Light" is absolutely a wonderful song. "Red Tide" has always been my favorite from that album though. And yes, very overlooked as most Rush albums are and I definitely agree that Grace was their best 80's synth-driven album.

As for the thread topic in question, lately I've been rediscovering Marillion's "Script For A Jester's Tear". Man, what a debut!
In Flames - Reroute to Remain - I rediscovered it's shitness.

Presto is a decent album but it's considered one of the weaker ones, I love 'the pass' from that album. Best Rush album is fuckin power windows, middletown dreams is one hell of a song.

Marillion are cool as well, I'm really big on neo-prog at the moment, love those keyboards.