Albums you like...


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
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And evryone else seems to hate, go on rattle a couple off, I seem to have a fair few like:

Megadeth - Risk
Entombed - Same Difference
Machinehead - The Burning Red

I though of more on the drive home from TAFE today, but be fucked if I can think of them right now:kickass:
I don't mind Risk, but Dave probably should have released it under a different name. Has some cool stuff on there.

While on the topic of the 'Deth, my fav album of their's is So Far, So Good... So What! which many fans don't rate. I love it.

The Burning Red is great for numetal type stuff. I would stack it alongside others like Korn, Deftones and Disturbed's debuts.

The Glorious Burden is one I like that wasn't recieved too well at all. It has some shockers, but it also has some awesome bits and pieces as well. Gettysburg is amazing.

Another recent one for me is Dance Of Death. Probably among my fav Maiden albums, and so many fans don't get into it too much. It has it's weaker moments (like all Maiden albums do), but even some of the parts I adore aren't taken to by other fans...songs like Paschendale, which I think is truly awesome.

I will also mention Virtual XI and No Prayer For The Dying. Even though they are two of the weaker Maiden albums, I still enjoy them and they have some killer material on them. Public Enema Number One, Fates Warning, Mother Russia, The Clansman...all classics IMO, and I love Como Estais Amigos, even though many fans don't. Not classic albums, but decent albums with some hidden gems.

I guess I just really like Maiden. :)
Blitzkrieg said:
The Glorious Burden is one I like that wasn't recieved too well at all. It has some shockers, but it also has some awesome bits and pieces as well. Gettysburg is amazing.

I will also mention Virtual XI :)

Gettysberg is awesome, but nearly every other song on that album I thought sucked.....

Virtual XI - I like Como Estais.... and the rest of the album has some nice bits too...
I must be a treandy cunt, I cant think of too many

Maybe Opeths Ghost Riveries, amongst Opeth fans, hasnt been well recieved, but certainly has been to the greater public
Southy said:
And evryone else seems to hate

Ah shit, I missed this bit. Slave to the Grind doesn't really fit into that category! Hmmm what can I nominate. How about:

Guns 'n Roses - The Spaghetti Incident. It has some turds, but some rippers as well.
St. ANger is another one I dig, that in general is pretty well despised.

Also I realized last night at the FF gig, that I am the only one I know that enjoys Transgression, and DevilDriver's first album, for some reason people think Dez was jumping onto a new bandwagon with the first album