Alexi and Trivium

I've seen him wear a....wait nevermind, I've seen him and Janne wear a Shadows Fall camo shirts but I'm guessing it was a joke.
He's into Slipknot and System of a Down so I don't see why not.:ill:
well, maybe Alexi likes them, on Metal Asylum, the host said that him, Roope, and Henkka were guitar gods, and Alexi replied "Well maybe the guitar player in Trivium is"
Children of Bodom likes some shitty shitty music. Trivium is probably top of the shitheap they listen to nowadays. However, I do agree with Wings of a dream. If I were touring with a crap band (why I would be touring I don't know) I would support them as long as they were nice people. No need to be an ass in that circumstance so I respect what Alexi is doing.
DarkStEaLtH233 said:
I've seen him and Janne wear a Shadows Fall camo shirts but I'm guessing it was a joke.

A.) why would that be a joke?
B.) shadows fall is pretty fuckin good
Wildchild87 said:
maybe im a little late on this but it seems like alexi is wearing a trivium wristband during this show i didnt see it at the philadelphia show and i sure as hell hope alexi isnt into trivium because they fucking suck

Why do you even care? You think they suck, he (and lots of others) does'nt. End of story.

Thanks for a good laugh. Amen.
Wings of a dream said:
Who is that guy by the way?
jason from shadows fall

bloodyscalpel....SF's first cd was on, but the War Within kicks a shit ton of ass. not to mention their Massholes and i still hold a special place in my heart for the MA metal scene (including Killswitch Engage, Unearth, and Beyond the Embrace)

and no dimebag....trivium still sucks
Everyone has diff taste.... if Alexi likes Trivium he likes em its none of your fucking business doesnt mean cob sucks doesnt mean alexi sucks..... IT means he has a different taste then yours.
bodomite said:
Everyone has diff taste.... if Alexi likes Trivium he likes em its none of your fucking business doesnt mean cob sucks doesnt mean alexi sucks..... IT means he has a different taste then yours.
completely respectable. i just think its a bit odd for alexi to see the kid from trivium as being a guitar god...when i think most people would agree hes not. im not bashing anyones tastes per just stating what i believe to be a fact. Trivium sucks