Alexi Laiho Young Guitar Jan 2006 video

barrett_ said:
i will sell my young guitar mags + dvds if anyone is interested. I have the January Alexi issue (w/ DVD) and the Alexi beginners issue (w/ DVD)


pm if interested
Nikotiini said:
He sounded nervous for some reason to me. "Are you dead yet? If not........... has some Kick ass guitar playing and kick ass keyboard playing"



That part sounded a bit ghey, but he is kinda shy, even if he doesn't really show it in these vids he makes.
Cool, i'v never seen them before. I don't buy young guitar mags only guitar world. I can't even find young guitar mags in stores. But Alexi rox!
Lady_Laiho said:
Cool, i'v never seen them before. I don't buy young guitar mags only guitar world. I can't even find young guitar mags in stores. But Alexi rox! don't even play guitar...
Yeah, but it's still interesting what those guitar players have to say even though i have no idea what they're saying. Plus, i buy just to see Alexi. On one of the mags, i forgot what issue, but Alexi was describing how to play Living Dead Beat And We're Not Gonna Fall, and i had no idea what he was saying. I barely found out 2 days ago what frets were.
Lady_Laiho said:
Yeah, but it's still interesting what those guitar players have to say even though i have no idea what they're saying. Plus, i buy just to see Alexi. On one of the mags, i forgot what issue, but Alexi was describing how to play Living Dead Beat And We're Not Gonna Fall, and i had no idea what he was saying. I barely found out 2 days ago what frets were.

Ooo Living Dead Beat, I haven't seen that issue.
nice signature warheart. i have an instructional dvd with paul gilbert on it. it came with my ibanez. gilbert is amazing. but i like alexi's compositions better :)
and i don't think i could say that paul is better than alexi....but i am biased in this case....
Lady_Laiho said:
Yeah, but it's still interesting what those guitar players have to say even though i have no idea what they're saying. Plus, i buy just to see Alexi. On one of the mags, i forgot what issue, but Alexi was describing how to play Living Dead Beat And We're Not Gonna Fall, and i had no idea what he was saying. I barely found out 2 days ago what frets were. laiho&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi
I have now probably saved you some money.
BucketBanger9000 said:
You know, there is something called the internet? Why waste money buying guitar magazines just for pictures?
because she cant touch/lick them
Mystique1721 said:
nice signature warheart. i have an instructional dvd with paul gilbert on it. it came with my ibanez. gilbert is amazing. but i like alexi's compositions better :)
and i don't think i could say that paul is better than alexi....but i am biased in this case....

Yeah I like Alexi's compositions more too. In that sense, he's my favourite guitarist. But it's pretty much a fact that Paul could wipe the floor with Alexi anyday :p. He was absolutely incredible when he was only 17.

He plays Yngwie tunes better than Yngwie does...:erk:
riight... that was pretty shit.

weren't alexi and janne gonna do a YG demonstration at one point?

wonder if janne is getting as sloppy as alexi..
enjoi17 said:
riight... that was pretty shit.

weren't alexi and janne gonna do a YG demonstration at one point?

wonder if janne is getting as sloppy as alexi..

I put that question into the Ask Janne thread. Hopefully he'll get to read them soon and we'll find out.