Alexi Laiho Young Guitar Jan 2006 video

OMFG, i looked at the pic and ALexi is sooooo damn hot. Then my contacts were dry so i blinked and Alexi winked. That is scary. That's freaky, but i hope that wink was for me and that he's telling me he's waiting for me.
Lady_Laiho said:
OMFG, i looked at the pic and ALexi is sooooo damn hot. Then my contacts were dry so i blinked and Alexi winked. That is scary. That's freaky, but i hope that wink was for me and that he's telling me he's waiting for me.

Nah, he winked at me first.
He's winking at me. Everytime i see it, it makes me go insane and it makes me happy. Everything he does is so cute.
^oh,ok. That's the coolest thing ever

Warheart: Can you make ALexi say "i love Lady Laiho?" PLLLLLEEEAAAASSSEEE!! I just to want to hear it to see how it feels.
Nikotiini said:
I couldn't never be filmed doing or saying anything anyway. I hate anything where I'm recorded...especially answering machines... I hate those!!

Yeah, those are a bitch! I can't even stand people taking photos of me :erk: