Alexi passed away

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quote from last interview for Soundi (translated by tragician):
Alexi: Can I just say one more thing? I am just so fucking happy about Bodom After Midnight! These guys are absolute killer musicians and also they have become my best friends. We just got a fucking amazing EP finished and… Well, I just feel like nothing is going to stop us!

I still can't believe it.
That latest interview feels so sad now, Alexi seemed so positive about life and that last sentence made me so happy but now it just looks sad :(

I don't know how to use telegram, I joined the group but can't find how to send anything
edit: problem solved
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I haven't anything more to say about this other than what has already been said here.

Or I guess.. I came to think about you guys and all the great times I've had here and when I've listened to Bodom. Not so much metal for me anymore- but I have actually been listening to Bodom again today since forever it feels like. And then it really came to me how much I'll miss him/everybody (really since they split, and I haven't really been listening to the stuff after 2012 or so) and how much COB has meant to me.

And it somehow makes me smile to see some of you guys here in this thread again. Reminds me of simpler times.

Rest in peace you Legend.

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What do you mean?
Send I to you a greeting that I write with my signature or you write a greeting with signatures of us? :)
(sorry for the grammar, if it's wrong : P)
I mean you can send me a message that you want in the card, and it will be handwritten by me and your name (and also home country if you want) will be included under it.
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quote from last interview for Soundi (translated by tragician):
Alexi: Can I just say one more thing? I am just so fucking happy about Bodom After Midnight! These guys are absolute killer musicians and also they have become my best friends. We just got a fucking amazing EP finished and… Well, I just feel like nothing is going to stop us!

I still can't believe it.

Yeah this is the worst part of this.

I'm gonna be honest: If he would have died at the beginning of 2020 after cob quit and when he looked very unhealthy, it would have been easier for me to accept it.

But now after founding the new band, after looking healthier again, after the very good life performance, after recording a single, after announcing an album for next year, after sending all these positive vibes.... His death feels completely out of place. It's really hard to accept.

That single will be absolutely amazing and it will hurt me even more because it will proof that Alexi was still full of new awesome music that we won't ever hear now
Yeah this is the worst part of this.

I'm gonna be honest: If he would have died at the beginning of 2020 after cob quit and when he looked very unhealthy, it would have been easier for me to accept it.

But now after founding the new band, after looking healthier again, after the very good life performance, after recording a single, after announcing an album for next year, after sending all these positive vibes.... His death feels completely out of place. It's really hard to accept.

That single will be absolutely amazing and it will hurt me even more because it will proof that Alexi was still full of new awesome music that we won't ever hear now

100% exactly how i feel, the irony of it all is too much. after seeing him on the hexed tour i literally thought damn this guy is not gonna last much longer and got kinda depressed about it then. i had to force myself to make some peace with what he did over the years for us and leaving on such a high note as hexed i was like ok, if its his time its his time. he gave us a lot. but then like you said he started looking a ton better and got BAM going, and then he performed the best live playing ive seen him do in literally 20 years in helsinki and i really started thinking.... wow, looks like he is really taking good care of himself now. and with the new album almost just nearly finished i really started getting high hopes that maybe he would be with us for another 10-20 years and then out of fuckin no where........

The biggest tragedy is the loss as a human being of course. the lesser is that his genius will not be heard again. but the irony of him seemingly being so much healthier and motivated and knowing he still has unreleased completed songs will haunt me forever. this is tragedy multiplied.
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So nice that some of his biggest idols like Zakk Wylde and Steve Vai remembered him on their IG, it would have probably ment alot to him
Jeff Waters from Annihilator, of whom Alexi was the biggest fanboy, posted a few things as well. I'm still pissed we didn't get to hear his guest solo on that Bananarama cover :D
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