Alexi passed away

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I wondered if it was an accident of sorts. Like, drinking too much or relapsing some shit on New Years or something. I'd hope not, but I suppose it doesn't really matter at this point. I hope it was peaceful.
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I haven't posted here in quite some time but given the recent circumstances I wanted to say a few words.

Children of Bodom will forever be my favorite band, they got me through the hardest times of my life in 2013 when my father passed away. Halo of Blood came out a few months after and helped me to cope with life. I was at work when my girlfriend gave me the news that Alexi had passed away, I couldn't believe my eyes and I didn't believe it. It couldn't be true.

Alexi's guitar ability (as well as his songwriting which I believe to be even better than his guitar ability which says a lot) is unmatched, there is no one like him, he was truly unique in every sense of the word.

I never met him or even got to see them live like many of you here, it really bums me out but I try not to think of it too much. I am just glad that his music will always live on.

My thoughts go out to Alexi's family, his bandmates, and Henkka, Jaska, and Janne.

R.I.P. Alexi, you will be greatly missed.

Here's my little tribute to Alexi, I make charts for a game called Clone Hero (similar to Guitar Hero) and I made charts for every song from Halo of Blood, here is a video of me playing through my favorite album.

Forgot about that infamous 4th sinergy album! Had no idea it had been that advanced...
Given the quality 2001 FTR, 2002 Suicide by my side and 2003 HCDR, that should have been a great one for sure.
Will Talking to the Trees SW version show up someday? Even if this song has been vastly recycled later on, it surely is a great historical piece. As are the entire 2nd & 3rd Inearthed demos anyway.
Any other leftover?

P.S. I've actually been listening to the Ubiquitous Absence of Remission demo for the first time in many years about a week ago, all nostalgic...

Anssi Kippo said that he might release the song now. He didn't mention the songs name but he meant that(Talking..)

I hope that Kimberly would do the vocals for the 4.album and would released it. Damage of the hard drive of the studio is unconfirmed information.



She could do, but I don't think she is singing or involved with music anymore.
Besides, who would she get to do all the lead guitars?

She said in the Oceanhoarse inteview that "she has started collaborating again with a wonderful guitarist and now that my kid is older, I could restart my careers as a metal musician"

I wonder if that was Alexi? Since shes been talking to him last months before his passing. Maybe there was plans for getting sinergy back? Or something new.
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I PM'd her yesterday night my story about the day when I wasn't home and my Hi-Fi system blasted Beware The Heavens at max volume, waking up a hundred people from my building and the one in front @7am on a public holiday, due to some mishanded alarm clock function. Meanwhile I was just getting asleep in my car in some remote party place..
Hope it could make her smile indeed! It's make me laugh for a bunch of years now!
I have to admit it has not been easy for me with my neighbours afterwards :tickled:
After hearing the news I made a post on this thread thanking Alexi for making me the guitar player I am.
I picked up my guitar today after a long time away from practicing and I came to think of not only did Alexi help me get better and practice.
All of you guitar players here did too, specially thanks to the fantastic tabs from @<-Warheart-> and @<Arcane>
I owe you a lot, and I'm so thankful for everything you have done, the time you have spent to make the tabs for everyone here needing that extra help, thank you!
For some reason I was unable to log in to this forum for a few days via Firefox. I hope it's not inappropriate but I wanted to express my condolences to all of you who are fans of Alexi and Children Of Bodom also. I decided to post it here on the official forum because I don't have twitter, FB or insta account. I will always be thankful to a friend of mine who gave me his cd some 20 years ago with collection of metal videos. One of the videos was Deadnight Warrior and the minute I saw it I became an instant COB fan. Sadly I only saw one of their concerts but even that is better than none. BEST night of my life. Thank you Alexi and COB :)
It’s devastating to think there won’t be another record or a live show or some awkward interview with Alexi.

But I can’t help my curiosity, I really want to know what happened. Did he know his time is coming? How long did he know? Did he suffer? I just can’t stop thinking about what happened. What happened in 2019 when he got so skinny. What were the issues he had to deal with and so on.

I know it’s probably not a priority, but I can’t help the constant wonder.
Alright. This is reality an not just a bad dream.

TL;DR: I'm a wuss that can't stop crying and oversharing, but dont have anyone else to vent to. Maybe I should write lyrics.

My friend who wasn't into metal brought CoB to my attention around 2002. The first i heard was Silent night Bodom night from Hatebreeder. I was into eighties stuff, NWOBHM, Sabbath, Ozzy and classic dad-rock shit. This stuff completely blew my head clean off. Fuck man. So ferocious. The sheer tempo and anger amazed me. The melodies enthralled me and i had to have them all. I'd just started learnibg guitar back then, but no way in hell would my Squier with rusty strings play CoB. I was a one man hate crew for a few years until i found likeminded people. But alas, i was the only one who stuck to CoB, and i started to look for new friends. I found this place maybe around 2007-8. I read through everything. I remember alot of threads about Joonas wanting a more ethereal and atmospheric CoB. I mostly lurked, and i lost whatever email i used for login back then. Back then i was all about the gear, but now i know how little it actually means compared to practice, LOL.
So much has happened in the years passed. I'm a grownup now. Have 2 kids and i'm a teacher. (Music and language)
I was in the middle of a meeting when i read the news. My heart sank, my stomach churned and i almost completely lost my shit. I held myself together until I could put on Tokyo Warhearts and cry it out. I can't wrap my head around the fact that he's gone and not coming back.
I know too well how alcoholism can ruin a life. My mom passed from drinking in 2019, and i myself have struggled with cannabinoid, nicotine and alcohol addiction. I quit smoking 4 years ago, drinking 5 years ago, and the weed is like 10 years ago. Nicotine gum, guitar and CoB has been my go to. Now i quit the fucking gum, and this happens.
I feel terrible that Alexi Laiho is now a definite matter. Like.. he existed from here to here, and everything he is, is now was. Theres only stories. Man was and is definitely legend, and I'll challenge anyone who says otherwise to melee combat. I feel terrible for all of us, and all future generations that we can only really guess at the mans greatness and to what extent he would have taken his music, if he'd been given the time.

I've felt horrible. I wanted to quit almost everything. Quit guitar, sell everything. Quit teaching. Ditch music altogether. But at the same time I'm fucking lit, and I want to start practising like madman to show my respect to the man. I can't go around saying he was my inspiration and not do anything about it.
Now more than ever, i know i have to carry on, rebuild, improve. Coming here to reach out, came to my mind during one of the longest mondays of my life. It seemed like i had to.

I'm still curious as to what became Alexis final demise, but i can respect his friends and familys wishes for privacy. We have no right to this knowledge, but it sure would be nice to have wisdom. Also why would it take a week for the information of his passing to get out? Did he die alone, and was only discovered now, or was there a need to coordinate the press side of things?
I guess it would just be nice to know.

To end my 'letter' to you guys, i would just say that even though i don't know any of you and i didn't know Alexi, you have to just know that you are the real motherfucking hatecrew.

Hvil i fred.
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