Alexi sound

My amplifier is a crate gt 15watt but in the studio i use expensive and good quality amps.But i don't like their distortion.That's why i am interested for a pedal..
^^Have you tried everything? Putting a OD pedal like tubescreamer in the front of amp,Tweaking it all the way to fuckin antarctica? Shitting on it? A maxon OD-808 might help to get more tone out of it.

@The Phenom, Where do you think influences come from? If he likes CoB, he might like the sound and he wants that aswel.

Naturally but fanboyness shouldn't be THAT big that you clone someones tone. Ofcourse i want alexis tone too but in a different way...I want to find my own sound too which is kinda like Alexi's sound. What i really love is his lead tones and crunchy Distortion...i hate if it gets too trebley tho. If it was me id add a bit more bass and take down treble to make it a bit more kicking.
So explain more how the sound is and what you want more of...EQ pedals can be useful too. MXR has some good ones i think.
If you dont like the distortion of a amplifier then dont use the amplifier. As easy as that.

Yes but all people just dont afford to throw a amp in a grabace can:lol: Well Its good if you get your dist/cleans out of a Combo/head PURELY without dist pedals...a OD is acceptable tho.
Naturally but fanboyness shouldn't be THAT big that you clone someones tone. Ofcourse i want alexis tone too but in a different way...I want to find my own sound too which is kinda like Alexi's sound. What i really love is his lead tones and crunchy Distortion...i hate if it gets too trebley tho. If it was me id add a bit more bass and take down treble to make it a bit more kicking.

Yes but all people just dont afford to throw a amp in a grabace can:lol: Well Its good if you get your dist/cleans out of a Combo/head PURELY without dist pedals...a OD is acceptable tho.

You do talk some shite don't ya :lol:
well,now you have,:lol:we were leaving it to you.anyway,about the sound,create a cheap imitation of alexi's sound isn't easy,but if you want a cool sound(not alexi's,just a cool one) then set bass 8,middle 3,treble 7 and your gain between 6 and 10(that's how I have it in my Korg Tone Works,amp is a shitty 100W Carlsbro which I set bass 7,middle 3,treble 7,and guitar is an Ibanez RG trem).but notice that that's not alexi's sound and that a 15 wats cheap amp won't work as a good one(nor I'm saying mine is,I already stated that it's pretty crapy,:lol:)
Or just buy some Line6 spider shit or Roland cube and find a good DIST sound. I have a Line 6 spider III... I dont fckin love it actually , its just because i can't afford my self a Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier solo head or a fckin peavy 5150 with some good pedals... you know , to get a good sound , you first need a good guitar and a good amp or just get some transistor gay modder amp like the ones i said above....
Yes but all people just dont afford to throw a amp in a grabace can:lol: Well Its good if you get your dist/cleans out of a Combo/head PURELY without dist pedals...a OD is acceptable tho.

Wow! That's why they have music stores. You try it out, find what suits you, and take it home.

Dude! And yes I said dude.
^^*sigh* You will not always BE ABLE to find YOUR SOUND directly from EQ channels on the head/combo or you dont afford the one that has. Thats what theres EQ/OD pedals for...jeez.

EDIT: DIstortion stompboxes are generally crap and should not be used until you have no other chance of getting better tone. The worst of them all is Boss MT-2
alexi's tone is very thin.
Thats because of the midshift on the Lee jackson.

Or just buy some Line6 spider shit or Roland cube and find a good DIST sound. I have a Line 6 spider III... I dont fckin love it actually , its just because i can't afford my self a Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier solo head or a fckin peavy 5150 with some good pedals... you know , to get a good sound , you first need a good guitar and a good amp or just get some transistor gay modder amp like the ones i said above....
Can't affort a Peavey 5150? Those things are the best and cheapest metal amps you can get these days.

^^*sigh* You will not always BE ABLE to find YOUR SOUND directly from EQ channels on the head/combo or you dont afford the one that has. Thats what theres EQ/OD pedals for...jeez.
IMO, EQ/OD pedals are meant to improve your sound, not the make your sound.

EDIT: DIstortion stompboxes are generally crap and should not be used until you have no other chance of getting better tone. The worst of them all is Boss MT-2
True, and true. There one big block of noise that kills your guitar sound.
he does use a rocktron intelliflex, which has something like that i think


that is Used. He uses Krank now anyways.