Alexi's ESP guitars...

Different instruments produce different tones, its the difference between a $50 guitar and a $5000 guitar. String instuments in particular are made of different materials that vibrate sound differently, hence producing different sound from one another.

I know that I am not the only one who takes issue with Alexi's sound on the dvd, listen to the beginning of In Your Face, there is hardly any note, it is mostly distortion.
Also, even Alexi says he isn't happy with the guitar sound on AYDY, right?

Yeah, thanks I understand tone, but that doesn't make one guitar more "melodic" than another. Brighter, maybe yeah but not melodic.

I'm not saying his tone is amazing, brilliant, good, ok, meh, bad, shit, horrible etc...I said it's far from being thin. Imo if you want thin, listen to Norther and then compare that to Living Dead Beat live.
He probably liked the way his guitar sounded in the room when they were recording, but not the way they produced it on the album.

That could be... I just can't believe that after HCDR and Suicide by my Side (which were both amazingly mixed) he would allow anything less than that standard. I am just happy that he has realized it, b/c my friends and I noticed after a couple of months of listening. Just listen to AYDY back to back with HCDR, the difference in sound quality is astounding.

The strange part is that T,L &S was mixed differently, you can tell. The keyboards and guitars (especially Roope's) are way fuller sounding and beefier. Listen to how massive the T, L, & S breakdown sounds. The rest of the album was mixed somewhere else, you can definitely hear it. So I wonder what happened...

Again, at least he noticed it.
budget:around $200-$400
style i wanna play: mainly metal
i think i prefer a combo but i'm open on this
i wanna achieve alexi's sound.....duh!!! :p
crap budget

That doesn't really help though, does it?

I'd say a Marshall just because he's running his pre-amp through a Marshall cab. Definitely a combo over a solid state too. Whatever you do though, don't listen to anyone that says an MG. :puke:

I tried looking on some random site but all the cheaps ones were MG, and all the better ones were over your price. :erk:
In September of 2002, Alexi's custom Jackson guitars (one of them bearing the famous "Wildchild" sticker, which was the guitar with which he appeared in all of the early Children of Bodom pictures) were stolen by an unidentified thief while he was asleep after a night partying with the other members of the band after a successful concert.


But the guitar that the thread starter talk is an ESP one.
If you want Alexi's tone, just get a Lee Jackson GP-1000 and cheap power amp like a Peavey Classic 50/50. Total is less than $500. And you can probably find a Marshall 1960 cab for ~$400. But you'll need a boost for your pickup to make the GP-1000 to sound the way it should. EMG PA-2: $35. And while you're at it, grab an EMG 81 to throw in your guitar: $80. Total is $1015. Sure, it might be over your budget, but your tone will sound exactly like Alexi's (better actually with the 81 over the HZ. And if you can find a Jackson J-50BC and JE-1000, even better). Around a thousand dollars for a complete amp setup that will sound BADASS isn't very much if you think about it...
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