Lord Kevin
It is the same guitar, just different colours
the white one has a painted neck, the black ones doesnt.
It is the same guitar, just different colours
┼Victim of the Night┼;5572300 said:Oh yeah, I loved that guitar too, you're right...
But now there's the ESP one, and ok, it's good anyway but the Jackson guitar was really.... well, no, no, don't let me talk anymore.
£5? That's less that a pack of guitar strings!! I might keep an eye on this actually.
Just know that you need a larger route for those pickups - they're much bigger than normal pickups. And of course they sound really weak without a JE-1000 (or EMG PA-2).
┼Victim of the Night┼;5572300 said:Oh yeah, I loved that guitar too, you're right...
But now there's the ESP one, and ok, it's good anyway but the Jackson guitar was really.... well, no, no, don't let me talk anymore.
Have you put it in yet? Do you have a PA2? I have a Jackson J90c pickup...you can take that cover off and it will look and fit like a regular humbucker. With the cover on, I have to widen the edges a bit (a rasp will do the job). And you need a bigger pickup ring too.
If you want Alexi's tone, just get a Lee Jackson GP-1000 and cheap power amp like a Peavey Classic 50/50. Total is less than $500. And you can probably find a Marshall 1960 cab for ~$400. But you'll need a boost for your pickup to make the GP-1000 to sound the way it should. EMG PA-2: $35. And while you're at it, grab an EMG 81 to throw in your guitar: $80. Total is $1015. Sure, it might be over your budget, but your tone will sound exactly like Alexi's (better actually with the 81 over the HZ. And if you can find a Jackson J-50BC and JE-1000, even better). Around a thousand dollars for a complete amp setup that will sound BADASS isn't very much if you think about it...
Shweet, I got a Jackson J50 too.
Nww this pickup is designed for active electronics right? So I could still put it in my guitar that's passive and it'll still work? But just not be as "hot"...
I'm sure it'll be better than the stock BC Rich pickups I have in there at the moment but if it's not, then I'll just take it back out and wait until I have a guitar that's active.
Oh, one of those. That's the gainboost that Alexi has isn't it?
I knew he had one but I don't know all the names of the stuff.
I don't even know how to install pickups.I just felt like I needed to buy it because it started out cheap.
If I bought one of those JE-1000's, I'd have to cut a hole in the guitar wouldn't I? To make space for the switch thing.