Whoever stole Alexi's guitars, give them back you fucker!!!

What in the fuck man...well doubt this guy is reading the message board and let us chip away at his resolve...but if you are......DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH!

Originally posted by Greenwater_Pond
Honestly, unless it's someone who hates the band and took them for spite, they are going to be noticed by other metalheads very quickly if you happen to have them "sitting around", and I highly doubt even you thinking it would be "cool" to use alexi's guitars for a gig, would survive long enough to avoid getting beaten to death. It's a very stupid move to make, as this is an ironic situation if you, the thief, are a fan of the band. You take Alexi's guitars, and yet they are in the process of writing and recording new material.....what the fuck is wrong with you? You think you're a big shot now, but they will find you, and I'm sure you'll wish you were better of dead. :mad:

Speaking from experience having guitars stolen is one of the most gut wrenching experiences for any guitarist who is serious. It really does suck and is quite traumatising. I didn't play for quite a while after that happened.