

Mar 2, 2007
What's your stance on extraterrestrials? I personally have no doubt that they are out there in the universe, and I think it's pretty likely that they visited our planet, given the age of the universe and age of our solar system.

I believe there is good evidence that aliens are examining the earth right now. I'm not talking about shitty youtube videos of lights off in the distance at night. I'm talking about a British government agent tasked with collecting UFO reports who collected a report from the British airforce of a large object on the radar moving really slowly and then accelerating to several times the speed of their fastest planes before disappearing. I have yet to dig this up, but when I will I will post it.

As for the theory that aliens influenced the early days of our civilization, I think there is some viability to it. The only evidence I really accept are the ancient references to stars that were not visible until modern times, and the numerous depictions of flying "boats" used by gods. There were also some models found very similar to the shape of modern day airplanes, some of which have been tested and actually flew.

As for the likelihood that aliens will destroy the earth, I don't see it. First off, invading a planet (especially one as advanced as ours) is much harder than it seems. The aliens would have to worry about pathogens, weather they may not know how to deal with, greater distance from their resources, and the inhabitants capturing and using their own technology. Also, there's the fact that on a grand scale, using renewable energy is much easier and more practical than traveling to a far away planet to mine it for a non-renewable resource. The only reason I can think of for aliens to travel to another planet with life is to study it and possibly exchange knowledge with the natives.
We've got a whole bunch of them in our country. They are called Zimbabweans :devil:

But yeah, I believe they are out there...real aliens. With the universe so immense as it is, I find it difficult to believe otherwise.

As for tech... There is still a lot we can learn (and achieve) ourselves and simply dont have the technology/means necessary to reach that 'level'. Perhaps they do and can kick our ass when it comes to tech. Perhaps not...
If these aliens were advanced enough to travel through time and space I doubt they would be physically present while doing so.

It would be machines friends, machines. We would not stand a chance.
Do you guys think a propensity to random, pointless destruction is likely to be a strongly selected for trait in the evolution of life forms?
Yes, actually. The aggression of our specific branch of humans gave us a competitive edge. It was that, and our in-group altruism that made our groups even more powerful.
gaining a competitive edge would kind of suggest that it wasn't random and pointless ;) but I guess my question was a little self fulfilling as 'pointless' destruction would imply no possible point from any perspective, including evolution's.

so yes. aggressive tendencies that serve some purpose may be selected for. what purpose could the various alien doomsday strategies serve? Are they here looking for mates? Can they travel intergalactically but not manage to feed themselves?
I guess the purposes of the doomsday strategies are up to the aliens. For all we know, there could be a race that is just as intelligent as us but far more sadistic than we are, and will want to kill us for the fun of it. Or there could be a race that is far more benevolent and wants to destroy us for the good of the universe. Or there could be a race like the Zerg that isn't exactly intelligent, but is capable of genetic assimilation and rapid mutation that allows it to take over planets and travel through space, and only does what it does out of a hive directive that the individuals are not aware of (kind of like humans). We just have to wait and see.
Ok. So random pointless destruction (sadism) is the best you can come up with. I don't really see where would the evolutionary pressure for such arise from...
It's a good survival trait, that is if the sadism is controlled by another need (like the need for companions).
Humans, unlike most carnivorous animals will take huge risks to solve their issues. If you watch territorial struggles with most animals, it tends to be a contest of intimidation, and if it comes to it, some displays of power, which eventually lead to one animal leaving. Humans, on the other hand have had a tendency to solve these kinds of territorial issues with other humans and other animals with killing. This has eliminated lots of megafauna around the world, and has ensured our climb to the top of the food chain.

This killer instinct, like in most social animals, is controlled by a need for a group. That is why killers that tend to go on rampages tend to be lonely people. Our connection to other human beings is what prevents our minds from seeing them as prey.
Our love of killing is what has eliminated our competition and pushed us to the top of the food chain.
you're verging on some sort of internal consistency I guess. I don't think any of it holds up 'in the world', but 'facts' are kind of boring so I'll leave it there.
Interesting topic.

An anecdote:

In the north of my country (Uruguay) is a town called Paysandú.

There is a ranch (they say "stay") which is called the aurora.

My parents told me that supposedly in the same farm, down a couple of ships, and left a mark that no one has been able to remove the grass.
i actually personnally know several people that firmly believe that they have interacted with aliens and that they have been inside alien spacecraft

do you people think my friends are crazy???
It depends. False memories can happen for multiple reasons.

what i was actually asking was whether or not you believe it could be possible that any of these freinds of mine could have really been "abducted" by extraterestrial "aliens"