Graveless Soul
Something serious for a change.
Something serious for a change.
Originally posted by _A_SCARLET_SUNSET_
allright... now i know that i really need a photo camera on any eventual finland holiday
Juusto on vanha ja homeinen. Forget that "se".Originally posted by BurningAngel
Its like this:
The cheese is old and moldy=Se juusto on vanha ja homeinen.
Originally posted by locutos
So what about Finland? A country I like also, not only because of metalDo you have any information about that? I'm interested in (dipl.) informatics espacially.
But I heard about a totally different grammar in finnougric (right in english? hehe) languages, supposed to be very hard to learn.... I heard of ~13 (ugh..) cases in declension, is that right? Can't believe that...
Originally posted by Voice of God
Well, studying in universities here is basically free. You have to pay for the membership of the student organization which costs about 100 euros per year, but there's no other mandatory costs (well, living expenses of course). There usually is some requirements to enter university (like certain grades in certain subjects), but I don't know about foreign students, they might get in anyway.
About the declensions, there's actually 15 if you count the plural forms too:
Then there's verb conjugations too...
Originally posted by locutos
ah no I don't want to know that complicated things, just some basics
hm 15 forms? In conjugation, too?!hehe... can Finnish verbs show the noun's gender? In a way like French? I can imagine that'd fit. Or is it another reason?
hm... is there an example for conjugation on that page either (I don't understand anything on the homepage)? Or could you post one? Maybe for 'to go'?