Alright, my friend just bought a Krank, here's a clip I did with it...

I'm not upset. I'm a bit irritated by your ignorance, however. I mean, face're gay. Maybe you should come to terms with that... because it seems quite obvious that you aren't welcomed by the regulars that frequent this board. I don't think anyone appreciates what you just did. It wasn't even funny, it was just plain stupid and made you look like a total dumbass.

Though in a perfect world, everyone would have beileved it was a Krank clip and liked the tone. In my perfect world, they would have believed it was a Krank, agreed, and said it sounded shitty (I think it was OK but whatever, you're still a homo).
DIOBOLIC5150 said:
I'm not upset. I'm a bit irritated by your ignorance, however. I mean, face're gay. Maybe you should come to terms with that... because it seems quite obvious that you aren't welcomed by the regulars that frequent this board. I don't think anyone appreciates what you just did. It wasn't even funny, it was just plain stupid and made you look like a total dumbass.

Though in a perfect world, everyone would have beileved it was a Krank clip and liked the tone. In my perfect world, they would have believed it was a Krank, agreed, and said it sounded shitty (I think it was OK but whatever, you're still a homo).

Well, Andy didn't seem to mind, and it's his forum, so think whatever you want. Kinda hard for you to say you aren't angry when you're using words like faggotry, homo, gay, asshole, dumbass, fucking queer, total loser, etc.
Kazrog said:
Chill out Diobolic, I actually think this whole thing is funny. Especially your posts.

I actually think it's funny as hell myself. I am only bashing him because I think that's funny as well. It doesn't make me mad or anything... it just gives me an excuse to call him a fag, and that's fun...because he's probably actually gay and the truth can rip a man apart.

I would like to see a picture of his gear. Because I can get that same tone out of my XT with little effort I'm sure. Is it a POD, skid Mark?

Maybe he's just one of those type guys who is bitter for life from getting his little pooper bored 30 over by a large adult, whilst his childhood (which is apparently not over yet), and has to gain satisfaction by manipulating people into actually beleiving he is "cool" .

At any rate, I have been entertained by this thread. Thanks Mark!
DIOBOLIC5150 said:
I actually think it's funny as hell myself. I am only bashing him because I think that's funny as well. It doesn't make me mad or anything... it just gives me an excuse to call him a fag, and that's fun...because he's probably actually gay and the truth can rip a man apart.

I would like to see a picture of his gear. Because I can get that same tone out of my XT with little effort I'm sure. Is it a POD, skid Mark?

Maybe he's just one of those type guys who is bitter for life from getting his little pooper bored 30 over by a large adult, whilst his childhood (which is apparently not over yet), and has to gain satisfaction by manipulating people into actually beleiving he is "cool" .

At any rate, I have been entertained by this thread. Thanks Mark!

Man, what is wrong with you?
Mark_Palangio said:
Man, what is wrong with you?

Oh, c'mon Mark. I'm just giving you a hard time (the whole thing is pretty funny to me). No biggie... I'll stop.
DIOBOLIC5150 said:
Oh, c'mon Mark. I'm just giving you a hard time (the whole thing is pretty funny to me). No biggie... I'll stop.

Fair enough. Here's a list of my gear, since you seemed to be interested...

-ESP LTD EX-400 (EMG 81/60)
-ESP LTD MH-400NT (EMG 81/81)
-Engl Blackmore 100
-VHT Fatbottom 4x12
-Line 6 POD XT
-Boss GE-7
-Boss NS-2
-Boss RV-5
-Boss DD-6
-Vox V847 Wah

I just use a cheap mic pre and a Sennheiser E609 to record, so I don't really get the best sound quality on recordings.
Mark_Palangio said:
Fair enough. Here's a list of my gear, since you seemed to be interested...

-ESP LTD EX-400 (EMG 81/60)
-ESP LTD MH-400NT (EMG 81/81)
-Engl Blackmore 100
-VHT Fatbottom 4x12
-Line 6 POD XT
-Boss GE-7
-Boss NS-2
-Boss RV-5
-Boss DD-6
-Vox V847 Wah

I just use a cheap mic pre and a Sennheiser E609 to record, so I don't really get the best sound quality on recordings.

That's cool, so you basically just used the POD via USB for the clip? haha, just kidding.
DIOBOLIC5150 said:
That's cool, so you basically just used the POD via USB for the clip? haha, just kidding.

Nah, I just bought the POD because I got a killer deal on it ($140 with all 3 model packs) I'm not really a big fan of modelers, but I couldn't pass up the deal. I'll just have to tweak it some and I'll probably get some decent tones out of it.
<Begin Dr. Phil Mode>

Palangio. You are about 16 or 17 years old? About to enter sophomore or junior year in high school? If that is the case, that may explain a lot. I really do think you are better suited for a place like Harmony Cesspool where it is essentially 90% clowns. You do realize, jokingly or not, you blatantly and directly LIED to Andy Sneap telling him it was a Krankenstein head. That to me is a sign of complete and total disrespect. You continued the deception with "he just took the amp home, he's been wanting one for a long time" etc etc. Sounds like something a 16 year old would do.

I think you crave attention, and your little ruse of "Hey guys, my friend bought a Krank, check out my clip" thread is a clear indication of this. Kazrog and myself both mentioned that you will benefit from either a different microphone, or better mic placement. You are using a generic sound card, something that should be upgraded as soon as possible. Your recording of the Slayer thing, and this recent 1 finger special are not the type of stuff that will fly here, IMO. The stuff most of these guys put out, and the stuff I am continually striving to achieve is lightyears beyond where you currently are. Instead of polluting this fine, FINE forum with HC like parlor tricks and incessant whining and pointless bashing, why not focus more energy on becoming more proficient on your instrument and becoming a better all around musician/project studio user? I dislike your demeanor and attitude. I think it needs some adjusting.

<End Dr. Phil Mode>

*NOW* I AM DONE. Best of luck, Mark(please perform)Fellatio on yourself.
EtherForBreakfast said:
<Begin Dr. Phil Mode>

Palangio. You are about 16 or 17 years old? About to enter sophomore or junior year in high school? If that is the case, that may explain a lot. I really do think you are better suited for a place like Harmony Cesspool where it is essentially 90% clowns. You do realize, jokingly or not, you blatantly and directly LIED to Andy Sneap telling him it was a Krankenstein head. That to me is a sign of complete and total disrespect. You continued the deception with "he just took the amp home, he's been wanting one for a long time" etc etc. Sounds like something a 16 year old would do.

I think you crave attention, and your little ruse of "Hey guys, my friend bought a Krank, check out my clip" thread is a clear indication of this. Kazrog and myself both mentioned that you will benefit from either a different microphone, or better mic placement. You are using a generic sound card, something that should be upgraded as soon as possible. Your recording of the Slayer thing, and this recent 1 finger special are not the type of stuff that will fly here, IMO. The stuff most of these guys put out, and the stuff I am continually striving to achieve is lightyears beyond where you currently are. Instead of polluting this fine, FINE forum with HC like parlor tricks and incessant whining and pointless bashing, why not focus more energy on becoming more proficient on your instrument and becoming a better all around musician/project studio user? I dislike your demeanor and attitude. I think it needs some adjusting.

<End Dr. Phil Mode>

*NOW* I AM DONE. Best of luck, Mark(please perform)Fellatio on yourself.

You know, out of all this drama, you've been the biggest dickhead out of anybody here. Chill the fuck out and drop it already.
I don't think that this forum should be restrictive in terms of age or experience level. Things should be taken on a case-by-case basis. One of the things that is so cool about Andy is he's not an elitist. Even if some of us are "light years" ahead of others here, I think it should be our goal to educate, not intimidate. After all, Andy is light years ahead of us...

Obviously that respect level is a two-way street. At least Mark came clean about his not-so-clever ruse very quickly.
EtherForBreakfast said:
<Begin Dr. Phil Mode>

Palangio. You are about 16 or 17 years old? About to enter sophomore or junior year in high school? If that is the case, that may explain a lot. I really do think you are better suited for a place like Harmony Cesspool where it is essentially 90% clowns. You do realize, jokingly or not, you blatantly and directly LIED to Andy Sneap telling him it was a Krankenstein head. That to me is a sign of complete and total disrespect. You continued the deception with "he just took the amp home, he's been wanting one for a long time" etc etc. Sounds like something a 16 year old would do.

I think you crave attention, and your little ruse of "Hey guys, my friend bought a Krank, check out my clip" thread is a clear indication of this. Kazrog and myself both mentioned that you will benefit from either a different microphone, or better mic placement. You are using a generic sound card, something that should be upgraded as soon as possible. Your recording of the Slayer thing, and this recent 1 finger special are not the type of stuff that will fly here, IMO. The stuff most of these guys put out, and the stuff I am continually striving to achieve is lightyears beyond where you currently are. Instead of polluting this fine, FINE forum with HC like parlor tricks and incessant whining and pointless bashing, why not focus more energy on becoming more proficient on your instrument and becoming a better all around musician/project studio user? I dislike your demeanor and attitude. I think it needs some adjusting.

<End Dr. Phil Mode>

*NOW* I AM DONE. Best of luck, Mark(please perform)Fellatio on yourself.

I'm 21, not 16 just to clarify. I'd also say your posts are much more childish than me posting a clip. Don't take everything so seriously, after all, playing music is supposed to be fun, not a contest to see whos better than who.
Kazrog said:
I don't think that this forum should be restrictive in terms of age or experience level. Things should be taken on a case-by-case basis. One of the things that is so cool about Andy is he's not an elitist. Even if some of us are "light years" ahead of others here, I think it should be our goal to educate, not intimidate. After all, Andy is light years ahead of us...

Obviously that respect level is a two-way street. At least Mark came clean about his not-so-clever ruse very quickly.

I agree (to a certain extent). But, it would be different if Mark was asking for advice on how to make his "mix" better, or how to use "Drumagog"... Something to that effect. All I've seen from him is pointless one-liners and basic teenaged mentality. Has anyone learned anything or been inspired by something Mark has done here? Doubt it. But I agree that we shouldn't intimidate, or single someone out because they are behind the curve, or don't have as nice of gear as the next guy...
In just one year, I have progressed beyond what I could have expected of myself, and it's mainly because of this forum. That's why it's irritating when some random guy (like Mark) comes along with childish antics such as this. It just takes up space and there's nothing to be gained from it (and here I am contributing to the thread). At least I can still find entertainment in it even though there's nothing productive to be gained. So, all in all.... fuck it, who's got a new mix to share?
Mark_Palangio said:
playing music is supposed to be fun, not a contest to see whos better than who.

Yet you are in constant competition to proove that you have the coolest amp, coolest tone ever... right? :loco: