Alright, my friend just bought a Krank, here's a clip I did with it...

Familia><Publica said:
Maybe he's just proud of his tone ?

You're absolutely right! His tone is the best I've ever heard and I hate him for that. I bet his car is faster than mine too. ;)

He's proud of it yet he tried to pass it off as a Krank...
Loner said:
You know, out of all this drama, you've been the biggest dickhead out of anybody here. Chill the fuck out and drop it already.

Loner - Completely inappropriate remark. I have merely pointed out what Palangio has said and done, and to you this makes me a dickhead.

That's some pretty warped logic...
EtherForBreakfast said:
Loner - Completely inappropriate remark. I have merely pointed out what Palangio has said and done, and to you this makes me a dickhead.

That's some pretty warped logic...

I don't think you're a dickhead. You had some pretty valid points (funny too). He's just some kid with a nice head that his dad probably bought him for graduation... he's on top of the world. Pretty funny really.
DIOBOLIC5150 said:
I don't think you're a dickhead. You had some pretty valid points (funny too). He's just some kid with a nice head that his dad probably bought him for graduation... he's on top of the world. Pretty funny really.

I bought all of my gear with my own money. You're just being childish now.
Mark_Palangio said:
I bought all of my gear with my own money. You're just being childish now.

I was just kidding. I don't care what gear you have, or who bought it. That makes no difference to me. I would love to have an Engle BM, Krank, Triple Rec, ect, but I'm poor and fine with the shit I already have. You're obviously cooler than I am. haha! :worship:
Familia><Publica said:
Engls are dirt cheap over here in comparison to mesa

Really? A Triple Recto is about the same price as an Engl Powerball over here ($1800 or so). How much are Engl's and Mesa's where you're located?
1700 pounds for a dual rectifier , 1200 pounds for an engl savage, 800 pounds for an engl blackmore. Do the conversions yourself ... heh

Oh yeh, powerballs are 1000 pounds, 1200 pounds for a framus cobra
Familia><Publica said:
1700 pounds for a dual rectifier , 1200 pounds for an engl savage, 800 pounds for an engl blackmore. Do the conversions yourself ... heh

Oh yeh, powerballs are 1000 pounds, 1200 pounds for a framus cobra

Damn, that's ridiculous!
I do what I can, you guys are all probably way better at this game than me though.

Expect a new song (a Metal Church cover) to be posted by me not too far in the future...will be great to get some feedback.

As for this thread...pretty gay, but it's none of my business.
Familia><Publica said:
Engls are dirt cheap over here in comparison to mesa

Damn, lucky you. I would love to have a Powerball or Savage or something to complement my new (to me, anyway) 5150 combo, which I am loving HARD. With all of my body. Yeah, I've heard good tones out of Mesas, and in the hands of a good engineer and guitarist, they can be truly amazing (see Opeth + Sneap), but I can't get shit out of them. Well, that's not true, I can DEFINITELY get shit out of them, but not anything more. It's more a testament to my skill than any failing of the amp, but it can be a bit tricky. I'm just talking about Rectifiers, though, I've never gotten my hands on anything else. Also, I'm drunk.

P.S. 5150 combo was a little over $500 shipped. I can post a clip if anyone wants (Fender MIM Fat Strat w/EMG 81 > 5150 > SM57 on axis/on grille, 2 tracks left + 2 tracks right).