Alright, my friend just bought a Krank, here's a clip I did with it...

three fingers eh Mark, what two for the pick, one for the riff.....guess the thumb doesn't count though eh. Seriously though, lets not get bent out of shape about this.
Didn't sound bad to me, just listening on my laptop though.

Yeah the reason for price differences over here is mainly import tax, I have actually been to the States, bought gear, brought it back as hand luggage and it's paid for my flight doing it that way. Obviously with Engls being European (They are arent they??), it's far easier for us to get a decent price and as for Marshalls, hell, you should see the cost of those in the US compared to here, though as the Dollar is so weak at the mo, thats probably balanced out a bit.
EtherForBreakfast said:
Loner - Completely inappropriate remark. I have merely pointed out what Palangio has said and done, and to you this makes me a dickhead.

That's some pretty warped logic...

You've said you want to beat the shit out of him, called him gay, called him an idiotic kid, dragged shit from HC in, etc., all becuse he said he hates Dime's tone and Kranks. If all that doesn't constitue calling you a dickhead, I don't know what does. Now please, just drop this.
Andy Sneap said:
Now has anyone tried the new Diezel?? I'm hearing very good things about that

I'd like to try one, but I can'r see myself spending $5000 on an amp head. I'm sure they crush, though (they should for that much $$, anyways).
Disconnekt said:

Oh yeah, well I have $TEXAS.
Andy Sneap said:
Now has anyone tried the new Diezel?? I'm hearing very good things about that
Are we talking about the Einstein?

That one is supposed to be their "budget" model and has a semi-reasonable price I think. :tickled:
I know a guy who bought the Einstein, he said the clean is good but the lead tone is awesome (he said) not exactly like the vh4 or herbert but very very good, like a VH4 with less Gain but enough for everything, paid something like 1700 Euros for the head.
I should say that this guy knows good sound, he owns/owned a Mesa Dual Recto, Engl Special Edition, Marshall TSL, Peavey JSX and alot of Pre-and Poweramps.
But he says it sounds way better with Seymour Duncans as with EMGs.

P.S.: Diezel Heads (VH4 and Herbert) are in the same pricerange like Mesa Dual and Triple Rectos in Germany, some of the Hughes and Kettners and the Engl Special Edition, too, the Mesa Roadking is about 1000 Euros higher priced normally.
P.P.S.: Excuse me for my bad English
Loner said:
You've said you want to beat the shit out of him, called him gay, called him an idiotic kid, dragged shit from HC in, etc., all becuse he said he hates Dime's tone and Kranks. If all that doesn't constitue calling you a dickhead, I don't know what does. Now please, just drop this.

Loner - I never said any of those things. I think you are confusing me with Diobolic5150.
DIOBOLIC5150 said:
I don't think you're a dickhead. You had some pretty valid points (funny too). He's just some kid with a nice head that his dad probably bought him for graduation... he's on top of the world. Pretty funny really.

Hey, turns out you're right. You're the dickhead, not him.