Am I the only guy who hates Ibanez?

A nice Ibanez with a mahogany body will sound just as thick as a comparable superstrat model from ESP, Jackson, etc, but usually plays better and has more innovative features (trems, etc.)

An Ibanez with a Mahogany body isn't horrible (A Schecter Hellraiser will kick it's ass, though). It's the basswood ones I fucking despise. IMO, guitars with trems should be avoided when tracking rhythms. Leads, no problem. But for tuning/intonation issues, stop tail, or string through fixed bridge guitars rule.
Wow. I guess I'm a noob.

I've been owned! :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy

I wouldn't waste your time with my drum guide if I were you.... as you've most certainly pointed out, I'm a young idiot who has no concept of what goes into making a decent record.
Please, do not, read this:
With your superior knowledge of the art, it'll just be a waste of time. I'm just glad there were enough idiots out there to read it 79,000 times.

Perhaps you should stick to drums and not talk about guitars then? I couldn't care less if a few of you guys got offended. The simple truth is that a ton of posts in this thread are completely fucking ignorant. So, you've seen a lot of low end Ibanez RG's that didn't sound that great? Big deal. Check out a made in Japan mahogany RG or S that has been properly setup and had good pickups put in and get back to me.

Oh wait, judging by a ton of the posts in this thread, there must be a lot of people here that don't know how to change pickups? :lol:

And then there's all the comments about Gibson and Fender guitars. Well, Fender is slightly better about it, but have you actually walked into a store anytime recently and played any new Gibsons or Fenders? Both of them, but Gibson particularly, have absolutely HORRIBLE quality control and are huge piles of shit. Nuts not cut correctly, bridges not in the right location, etc. etc. You'd have to weed through dozens of them to find something decent, and although the sound might not be up to your liking, the little the cheapo $300 RG for beginners a few rows down plays better than 90% of them, whether you like the sound of them or not. Ibanez doesn't have perfect quality control, and still need a good tech to do work on them to get them playing their best, but even their low end guitars are far beyond most Gibsons and Fenders in playability. As for Fender, if I wanted a Fender strat/tele or more vintage superstrat style guitar, I would get a G&L, Suhr, Music Man, Vigier, etc.

Anyways, my point remains. A nice Ibanez with a mahogany body and good pickups can sound as good as anything else if you know what you're doing, and there are plenty of world class players of various genres of music who can back that up.
I think Metal T was reffering to the use of "idiots and noobs" to the forum members from somebody that has been here 5 minutes? Feel free to correct me Metal :Smokin:

It was sarcasm. As in, I should have said "stfu n00bs" so I'd be speaking the same language as the majority of ignorant, broke metalheads here who run their mouths without having any knowledge on the subjects they talk about.

I own one of these. It's great, that doesn't mean that there is a super shit tone of fucking horrible ibanezes.

So seriously STFU noob Glenn could come up with something shitty guitar tone wise and it would still crush your tone.
An Ibanez with a Mahogany body isn't horrible (A Schecter Hellraiser will kick it's ass, though). It's the basswood ones I fucking despise. IMO, guitars with trems should be avoided when tracking rhythms. Leads, no problem. But for tuning/intonation issues, stop tail, or string through fixed bridge guitars rule.

lol schecters are such piles of shit.... low end mass produced korean and indonesian budget guitars made of cheap wood and all feel like plastic. They come with emg's.... who cares? You can put emg's in an Ibanez if you'd like. They do usually have fairly good playability when compared to Gibson, Fender, etc. though.... I'll give them that.... but the same is true of any other decent superstrat...

As for tuning and intonation issues, a guitar with a quality floating tremolo that is properly setup usually stays in tune BETTER than a fixed bridge guitar. It takes a while to get it in tune if you don't know what you're doing, but once you have it in tune and lock it down, it will stay that way for a long time.
I guess we're broken then?

If he doesn't want to talk to "broke metalheads" why come onto a metal production forum?

I wasn't referring to you two. Reread the thread. There are very obviously some younger kids here that don't know all that much, touting their Schecters and ESP LTD's as if they're anything special just because they come with EMG's, blah blah blah, who apparently don't even know the pickups are replaceable? give me a break....
Dinnay, I mean hes got his tone from his Ibanez and Behringer half stack, who needs a production forum?

Yeah, because playing Ibanez guitars instantly means you have shitty Behringer gear, right? Tell that to Chris Broderick, Muhammad Suicmez, Marty Friedman, Paul Gilbert, Steve Vai, Andy Timmons, George Benson, Pat Metheny, etc.

The only reason half the jackoffs here go apeshit over Schecter guitars are because they are cheap and Jeff Loomis endorses them.

And not that I should have to prove myself to you douchebags, but here's gear I have owned in the last few years: Orange Rockerverb 50, Framus Dragon, Cauble Omnitone, Bogner Uberschall, Mesa Roadster, 5150 III, Orange 4x12, Bogner Standard 4x12, TC Electronic and Eventide effects, G&L, Ibanez, and Music Man guitars, and this week I have coming the new 24 fret MIJ Ibanez S5470TKS and the Fractal Audio Axe-FX Ultra. Yeah, Behringer half stack..... that's me....
Wow. I'm speechless. Dude, enjoy the thrashing.....

I've gotta get some tracks ready for a client, so I'll bid you a warm goodbye. It's been fun.

BTW, please, post some samples of your work.

I'm not a producer. I'm a guitarist. A MUSICIAN. If you hadn't noticed, this thread is about Ibanez guitars, not producing. I've come to this forum to learn about producing, but that doesn't mean I can't call people on their bullshit misinformation about guitars.