Am I the only guy who hates Ibanez?

Ah Gnash .....

I bought an RG 3120 (Prestige) and yeah I love it, its tunning is great and its just seems to plays very well....

the only thing is.....*sighs* the pickups must go

Possible replacements

Bareknuckle mircle man
Paf Pro

I think I need to search the threads to find something that fits

with Ibanez I think you've got to pay a small fortune just to get a decent instrument....
Oh yeah, their stock pups ablolutely suck! BAD! I put a Duncan Distortion (SH6) in that bitch IMMEDIETLY! I literally pulled it out of the case (those cases are bitchin, by the way, plush) plugged it in, and went unh unh!:lol: I had to use longer pickup screws for the Dimebucker, though. It's an odd shaped pickup for a body mount.
Oh yeah the neck pups are so worthless too. I put a Dimarzio Evolution in the neck. That is the best sounding neck pup I have ever had. You can easily get pick squeals, with the neck pup, even with the neck volume rolled off. I highly recommend the EVO, and the SH6.
And now Petrucci is with Music Man...


He can be now with Music Man but I say again that guitar is incredible, I bet you never plyed that guitar if you say this.
do you like awake sound? That big fat tone is that guitar, I played almost every ibanez on the planet but that guitar is a tone monster.
And cool thing that guitar has a different neck compared to all ibanez, the radius is different! fatter, more schecter-ish neck, so it's not that thin almost flat neck of the s series.
No, I know, and it is a great guitar, no denying that. Honestly, though, if I had to pick my favorite between The Mirror/Lie and the heavy shit on Octavarium (Panic Attack, TROAE), I'd pick the new one. If there were an exception to the rule I'd say it were JP's. Still, I stand by my earlier comment and will definitely go for the MM first.

I can see the basswood bodied Ibanez's not working for chug amd rhythm. I love my RG550, but it's best for lead playing IMO.

I did recently get a RGA121 which has a mahogany/maple top, sound so much thicker! Like you would expect. I just need a different amp, I'm getting sick of the 6505+ sound, it's just not me. I've played so many 5150s too when I was in my band, but for the sound I'm looking for now, I think I might get another Engl.

I'm a bit late here, but noticed that most of the comments go for name "Ibanez" itself.
Maybe identification of "Ibanez" with just a narrow number of models is logical because this is "metal" community, but Ibanez actually makes great guitars - just not ones that interest people here. Their musician guitars, their hollow and semi hollow guitars, some of the acoustic models, they are all great.
Most of the identification for "Ibanez" sound is actually RG/Jam construction type of guitar, and it is true that it is inferior. Basswood is to blame in a lot of cases, because it obviously in conjunction with thin neck and passives gives that sound with exaggerated middle freqs, "notchy" sound that works for certain kind of leads but is terrible when it comes to recording big distorted guitars. Even with better pickups, their RG derivatives tend to lack "presence" (not in a EQ sense, but in a way that guitar can be heard, sound kind of disappears in mix...I remember some gigs when Ibanez were extremely popular in early 90's, and only players to be heard in this local club were ones playing non ibanez guitars, or playing Ibanez... But extremely loud so other members could not be heard :) )
Also you can notice that almost all their ignature guitars connected with "modern" ibanez design have thicker necks than RG, or some other features, for instance JS has construction of neck closer to Fender strat.
Some of the newer RGs with Mahogany bodies, neck-thru and good pickups sound decent, but tend to be expensive compared to similar specd guitars of other manufacturers
On the other hand I have always liked craftsmanship of Ibanez guitars, and how they are easy to play when it comes to hi tech stuff... Their Edge tremolo is also great. I think part of their success was that RG tend to sound good on low wattage amps and on low levels in shops, feel good and look good.
Only RG alike guitar I liked was an old Jam LNG that was beaten to death, but it was serial 044, maple neck, and obviously they have used best wood possible, that guitar had open and percussive sound, unusual for ibanez, almost like modified strat with high output pickups... Maybe not something ideal for extreme HiGain sound, but very good. All other newer jam guitar felt like pieces of plastic to me.
I picked up a Ibanez Rg3120 - love it !

Tuning is probably the best I've used, fast fret board and plays well.......

lol feel free to spit away !

I also have this model in red, it's a fucking nice guitar.

The thing is mahogany body with a flame maple top, and has a dimarzio tone zone and PAF pro in it. It sounds fucking nice, and plays pretty killer. The tone I get out of it has always been pretty crushing. Nice intonation too, I've never had to do more than home maintenance on it.

The 1527 is a nice guitar too, and the tone on Jag Panzer's 'Casting the Stones' is fucking hot.

But uh, yeah, their lower end models are total shit. For 5-700 dollars I'd rather buy an ESP or Schecter.
The amount of ignorance in this thread is hilarious. I thought there'd be more intelligent people here for supposedly knowing a lot about recording... There must be a lot of young kids here. And a lot of... I guess... idiots?

A nice Ibanez with a mahogany body will sound just as thick as a comparable superstrat model from ESP, Jackson, etc, but usually plays better and has more innovative features (trems, etc.)

P.S. The thickness of the body doesn't make anywhere near as much of a difference as people think. There are paper thin Parkers that sound huge. Oh, and although I prefer mahogany guitars, there are plenty of high end guitars that use basswood. Music Man? Suhr? Yeah...

I should've just said "STFU n00bs."
I should've just said "STFU n00bs."

Wow. I guess I'm a noob.

I've been owned! :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy

I wouldn't waste your time with my drum guide if I were you.... as you've most certainly pointed out, I'm a young idiot who has no concept of what goes into making a decent record.
Please, do not, read this:
With your superior knowledge of the art, it'll just be a waste of time. I'm just glad there were enough idiots out there to read it 79,000 times.
The amount of ignorance in this thread is hilarious. I thought there'd be more intelligent people here for supposedly knowing a lot about recording... There must be a lot of young kids here. And a lot of... I guess... idiots?

A nice Ibanez with a mahogany body will sound just as thick as a comparable superstrat model from ESP, Jackson, etc, but usually plays better and has more innovative features (trems, etc.)

P.S. The thickness of the body doesn't make anywhere near as much of a difference as people think. There are paper thin Parkers that sound huge. Oh, and although I prefer mahogany guitars, there are plenty of high end guitars that use basswood. Music Man? Suhr? Yeah...

I should've just said "STFU n00bs."

While I may agree with you, I have to ask - who the hell are you, and what makes you think you can talk that way here with 26 posts?